Revision history for Perinci-Sub-Complete

0.36     2013-11-14 (SHARYANTO)


         - Implement argument element completion (Rinci 1.1.42).

         - Add functions: complete_arg_elem, complete_from_schema.

         [BUG FIXES]

         - complete_arg_val() now returns undef when it can't find completion
           from schema, so shell_complete_arg() can fallback to files.

         - Complete greedy argument names, always (allow us to complete e.g.
           --file F1 --file F2 etc).

0.35     2013-11-08 (SHARYANTO)

         [BUG FIXES]

         - No functional changes. Avoid CT failure reports by forcing
           Perinci::Sub::Wrapper version.

0.34     2013-11-05 (SHARYANTO)


         - shell_complete_arg(): Accept 'extra_completer_args' argument to pass
           to custom completion routines.

         - Pass 'parent_args' argument to all custom completion routines
           (previously only 'custom_completer' gets it, now
           'custom_arg_completer' and 'completion' arg spec also get it).

         - complete_arg_val(): observe 'is' clause.

         - complete_arg_val(): complete [0, 1] for bool type.

         [BUG FIXES]

         - A few bug fixes.

0.33     2013-11-04 (SHARYANTO)


         - Allow 'custom_arg_completer' to decline with undef, just like


         - 'custom_arg_completer' is now expected to return arrayref instead of
           list, just like the other completion routines.

0.32     2013-11-04 (SHARYANTO)


         - Rename dist from Perinci-BashComplete to Perinci-Sub-Complete because
           I want to extract non-Perinci-related routines to another module and
           I want to support other shells (someday).

         - Split generic (non-Rinci/Riap-related) functions to

         - Rename some functions.

0.31     2013-09-08 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Remove references to Perinci::Access::InProcess.

0.30     2013-08-10 (SHARYANTO)


         - Allow other line parser to be used, e.g. one that doesn't call out to
           bash (currently undocumented).

0.30     2013-08-10 (SHARYANTO)


         - Allow other line parser to be used, e.g. one that doesn't call out to
           bash (currently undocumented).

0.29     2012-06-22 (SHARYANTO)


         - Support --dry-run for function which has dry_run feature

0.28     2012-03-22 (SHARYANTO)

         - Support function arguments

         - Normalize --foo_bar into --foo-bar

0.27     2012-03-16 (SHARYANTO)


         - file completion inserted "." on every file/dir on the current dir.

         - file completion cut intermediate dirs ("dir/a" completed into ["aa",
           "ab"] instead of ["dir/aa", "dir/ab"]


         - Add trick in dir completion so that a single "dir/" match won't cause
           bash to insert space after the "/".

0.26     2012-03-07 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Deal with test failure reports from CT (change
           'replace $HOME with ~' test in t/_line_to_argv.t into a warning, as I
           don't know the workaround yet).

0.25     2012-03-04 (SHARYANTO)

         [BUG FIXES]

         - More fixes to complete_file() so it more closely resembles bash
           (symlink traversal is still different though).

0.24     2012-03-04 (SHARYANTO)

         [BUG FIXES]

         - complete_file() now behaves more like bash (though not nearly
           so, due to glob()'s quirks): First it works with files/dirs outside
           curdir. When word is '' or ends with '/', it uses readdir() to
           include dotfiles. Otherwise it treats word as wildcard and glob() it.

0.23     2012-03-03 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Change implementation of _line_to_argv() from
           calling Perl binary and dumping @ARGV, to using bash's own "$@". On
           my Atom N570 netbook, this shaves time from about 0.1s to 0.03s.

0.22     2012-02-28 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Fix to avoid numerous CT failure reports
           (calling perl binary using $^X instead of the hardcoded "perl"). I
           haven't quoted $^X, hope that won't cause much trouble though.

0.21     2012-02-28 (SHARYANTO)

         - Handle argument name completion of one-letter args and cmdline_aliases.

0.20     2012-02-27 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Make _line_to_argv() report errors (lots of
           failure reports from CPAN Testers with apparently undef result from

0.19     2012-02-23 (SHARYANTO)

         - Rename distribution from Sub-Spec-BashComplete to Perinci-BashComplete.
           Follow Rinci v1.1 specification.

0.18     2011-11-23 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. _parse_schema() moved from Data::Sah::Util to
           normalize_schema() in Data::Sah.

0.17     2011-10-31 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. _parse_schema() is moved from Sub::Spec::Utils
           to Data::Sah::Util.

0.16     2011-08-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Adjust to Sub::Spec 0.15.

0.15     2011-07-26 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Adjust to use the new Sub::Spec::GetArgs::Argv.

0.14     2011-05-31 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Skip tests on systems which don't have bash.

0.13     2011-02-23 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add missing dependency: Log::Any [CT].

0.12     2011-02-23 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add missing dependency: Sub::Spec::CmdLine [CT].

0.11     2011-02-22 (SHARYANTO)

         - Use Sub::Spec::Utils.

0.10     2011-02-19 (SHARYANTO)

         - Incompatible change: arg_complete & custom_completer now expected to
           return arrayref instead of list.

         - More fixes for remaining_words for custom_completer.

0.09     2011-02-18 (SHARYANTO)

         - Handle backspaced whitespace.

         - Don't escape output (let completer program do it) to avoid double

         - Fix cword & remaining_words for custom_completer.

0.08     2011-02-18 (SHARYANTO)

         - Backslash-escape output.

         - Spec: cmdline_aliases renamed to arg_aliases.

0.07     2011-02-17 (SHARYANTO)

         - bash_complete_spec_arg(): Also add --nofoo completion for bool

0.06     2011-02-17 (SHARYANTO)

         - bash_complete_spec_arg(): Add 'custom_completer' option, parse
           'cmdline_aliases' in arg spec.

0.05     2011-02-17 (SHARYANTO)

         - Fix cword counting.

0.04     2011-02-16 (SHARYANTO)

         - Small fix on detecting arg name/value.

0.03     2011-02-16 (SHARYANTO)

         - Complete arg name instead of value if user type '-' (indicates he/she
           wants arg name).

0.02     2011-02-16 (SHARYANTO)

         - Fix dependency version (requires Sub::Spec::CmdLine 0.10+).

0.01     2011-02-16 (SHARYANTO)

         - First release.