Revision history for Perinci-Sub-Normalize

0.05     2014-05-01 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes.

         - Add more test.

         - Bump version requirement of Sah::Schema::Rinci to avoid fail reports

0.04     2014-04-30 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes.

         - Hide error message from Perl's require() which is too technical and
           exposes @INC (paths).

0.03     2014-04-30 (SHARYANTO)

         - Try loading Perinci::Sub::Property::* module first before croaking of
           unknown property.

0.02     2014-04-28 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add option: remove_internal_properties (bool, default 0).

         - Fix handling of attributes.

0.01     2014-04-28 (SHARYANTO)

         - First release.