Revision history for Perinci-To-POD
0.35 2013-10-19 (SHARYANTO)
- Remove text '' in Functions section, because we don't know the
exports situation yet. Perhaps this is not this module's job to
output export information, but for some Pod::Weaver plugin reads
@EXPORT* (if using Exporter) or tags from Rinci metadata (if using
0.34 2013-09-08 (SHARYANTO)
- Make sure url starts with pl: instead of schemeless, due to recent
Perinci::To::Text update which uses Perinci::Access::Perl instead of
the old ::InProcess.
0.33 2013-08-11 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Update to Perinci::Sub::To::Text 0.24
(Perinci::To::Text 0.22, Perinci::Sub::To::POD 0.04).
0.32 2013-07-26 (SHARYANTO)
- Update function name.
0.30 2013-07-26 (SHARYANTO)
- Split bin/peri-doc to bin/peri-pkg-doc and bin/peri-func-doc (in
- bin/peri-pkg-doc: Allow enabling logging using LOG=1.
- Update to using Perinci::To::PackageBase 0.20.
0.29 2013-07-17 (SHARYANTO)
- bin/peri-doc: Make --format work (previously it's overridden by
Perinci::CmdLine's common option --format).
0.28 2012-09-05 (SHARYANTO)
- Fix list of special arguments for transaction.
0.27 2012-09-05 (SHARYANTO)
- Update to Rinci 1.1.29 (transaction protocol v=2, older v not
0.26 2012-06-22 (SHARYANTO)
- Update to Rinci 1.1.11 (pkg_version -> entity_version).
0.25 2012-06-20 (SHARYANTO)
- Explain possible special arguments.
0.24 2012-06-20 (SHARYANTO)
- Explain function features.
0.23 2012-03-15 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional change. Update to using newer Perinci::To::PackageBase.
0.22 2012-03-14 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional change. Update to using Perinci::To::PackageBase.
0.21 2012-03-13 (SHARYANTO)
- First release, renamed from Sub-Spec-To-Pod. Now follow Rinci/Riap