Revision history for SHARYANTO-Proc-Util

0.59    2013-11-11 (SHARYANTO)

        - Use Proc::ProcessTable by default instead of 'pstree' command
          (suggested by SREZIC, [RT#91932]).

0.58    2013-11-11 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes. Revise test script to avoid CT failure reports.

0.57    2013-09-26 (SHARYANTO)

        - Fix failure on Ubuntu because pstree output is cut at 132 columns,
          need to add -l (thanks Olivier Mengué).

0.56    2013-09-10 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes. Split from SHARYANTO-Utils to minimize
          dependencies (I'm trying to make Text::ANSITable work under Windows).