Revision history for Sah

0.9.29   2013-11-23 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add spectests for all types and clauses and properties that have not
           been equipped with them. The spectest is now pretty complete and
           covers most of the specification document. Some clause attributes and
           advanced features (like expresssion and function) have not been
           covered though.


         - Rename obj properties: 'methods' -> 'meths', 'attributes' -> 'attrs'.
           This is to be consistent with design principle 'abbreviate when
           common abbreviation is present and won't introduce ambiguity'.


         - Remove hash 'req_keys_re', which doesn't make any sense.

0.9.28   2013-11-21 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Rebuild with updated
           Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball (0.9.27 temporarily reverts to
           using ShareDir due to garbled shared-files.tar.gz problem).

0.9.27   2013-11-20 (SHARYANTO)

         [NEW FEATURES]

         - Add clauses for hash: 'req_keys_re', 'forbidden_keys',


         - Add spectests for: hash's {req,allowed,forbidden}_keys{,_re}.

         - Add tags to tests, so an implementation can more easily skip some

0.9.26   2013-02-13 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Add FAQ entry on using abbreviations in type/clause

0.9.25   2013-02-02 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Convert spectest format from YAML to JSON due to
           different Perl YAML implementations dumping/loading data differently
           (YAML::Syck loads floats as strings ('1.23'), while YAML::XS causes
           test failures).

0.9.24   2013-01-30 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Fixes for spectest.

0.9.23   2013-01-11 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Add tests to spectest, including tests for 'clause'
           and 'clset' clauses and for array's 'elems' clause. Fix a couple of
           bugs in spectest.

0.9.22   2012-11-28 (SHARYANTO)

         [NEW FEATURES]

         - Add clause 'clause'.


         - Rename clause 'cset' to 'clset' to make it less ambiguous (since we
           also use the notation 'cname' [clname], 'cval' [clvar]).

         [BUG FIXES]

         - Fix typos and grammar.

0.9.21   2012-11-27 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Forgot to update spectest.

0.9.20   2012-11-27 (SHARYANTO)


         - Remove .{min,max}_{ok,nok} attributes because they are too generic
           and only the and/or/not/none cases are needed most of the time. This
           generic attributes make it slightly more complex for compilers.

           They are now replaced by the new .op attribute, which can currently
           contain 'and', 'or', 'not', or 'none'.

           The old attributes will probably be re-added in the future if proven
           needed, perhaps in the form of .op having the value of [1, 3]
           (equivalent of .min_ok 1 + .max_ok 3) or [-1, -3] (equivalent to
           .min_nok 1 + .max_nok 3).

         - Remove .ok_err_msg attribute to simplify things.

         [NEW FEATURES]

         - Add attribute .op (see above).

         - Add clause 'clause'.

0.9.19   2012-11-20 (SHARYANTO)

         - Introduce shortcut form CLAUSE(LANG) and C.ATTR(LANG) for
           CLAUSE.alt.lang.LANG and C.ATTR.alt.lang.LANG.

0.9.18   2012-11-20 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes. Fix some typos in POD and spectest.

0.9.17   2012-11-13 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add hash's keys.create_default attribute.

         - Add array's elems.create_default attribute.

         - Add more spectests.

0.9.16   2012-10-26 (SHARYANTO)

         - Normalization rule: extras are now always normalized to {} so before
           "int" => ["int", {}] and now => ["int", {}, {}]. (I think it's more
           proper, normalized form doesn't change when extras {} exist, and more
           clearly make the normalized form stand out visually).

         - bool: Add clause 'is_true' (I think it'll be more portable than using

         - array and hash no longer assume the Sortable role (actually it was a
           typo, it never was).

         - spectest: Add more tests (str, hash, bool, any, all).

0.9.15   2012-10-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes.

         - spectest: Add tests for type 'array' (incomplete).

0.9.14   2012-10-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes.

         - spectest: Add tests for type 'float'.

         - build: Move spectest to share/ so it gets installed.

0.9.13   2012-10-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - No spec changes.

         - spectest: reenable "clause|" tests, add {min,max}_{ok,nok}
           and .err_level=warn tests.

0.9.12   2012-10-18 (SHARYANTO)


         - Add 'c.COMPILER' attribute namespace to store compiler-specific

         - float: Add clauses 'is_pos_inf' and 'is_neg_inf'.

         - Add type spectest. Preliminary version, now only available for 'int'.

0.9.11   2012-10-16 (SHARYANTO)


         - Add .ok_err_msg to set error message when clause succeeds (existing
           .err_msg is for when clause fails). Succeeding clause is regarded as
           a validation failure under the presence of .max_ok or .min_ok

         - Introduce another error level (.err_level => 'fatal').

0.9.10   2012-10-16 (SHARYANTO)


         - Simplify syntax for 'if' clause. Argument back to 3-element array
           [COND, THEN, ELSE]. Whether COND/THEN/ELSE is an expression, schema,
           clause set, or simple true/false is determined by its type (str,
           array, str, hash, bool). This improves readability.

         - Replace '.input' attribute with 'prop' and 'check_prop' clauses (and
           possibly others in the future). '.input' does not provide a clean
           switch between types (e.g. to express string which has an even
           length, we used ["str", "div_by.input", ["prop", "len"], "div_by",
           2], but 'div_by' is not a clause for str. Now we simply use: ["str",
           "prop", ["len", ["int", "div_by": 2]]] or ["str", "check_prop", "$_ %
           2 == 0"].

0.9.9    2012-10-05 (SHARYANTO)


         - Change attribute for 'prefilters' clause, from 'perm' to 'temp' (to
           make it consistent with the new default.temp).

         [NEW FEATURES]

         - Add attribute for 'default' clause: 'temp'.

0.9.8    2012-10-03 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes. Fix examples and misplaced clauses.

0.9.7    2012-10-03 (SHARYANTO)


         - Rename HasElems' clause: 'each' to 'each_elem' to avoid ambiguity
           with 'each_index'. Also rename 'check_each' to 'check_each_elem'.

         [NEW FEATURES]

         - Add hash clauses: 'check_each_key', 'check_each_value'.

0.9.6    2012-10-03 (SHARYANTO)


         - Remove hash clause 'allow_extra_keys' and replace it with '.restrict'
           attribute for 'keys' clause.

         [NEW FEATURES]

         - Add property: 'prio'.

         - Add HasElems properties: 'elems', 'indices'.

         - Add hash properties: 'keys', 'values'.

         - Add hash clauses: 're_keys', 'allowed_keys', 'allowed_keys_re'.


         - Specification for 'req_keys' (previously forgotten to be written).

         - Reorganize FAQ and add some items.

0.9.5    2012-09-26 (SHARYANTO)


         - Change merge prefix from "[merge]", "[merge+]", etc to
           "merge.normal.", "merge.add.", etc (to be compliant with DefHash)

0.9.4    2012-09-21 (SHARYANTO)

         - Rewrite some parts.

         - Specify types 'all', 'any', 'obj', 'date' (moved from Data::Sah).
           Type 'date' still doesn't have clauses specified yet.

         - Specify clauses for 'hash' and 'array' (moved from Data::Sah)

         - Change examples to use JSON instead of Perl notation.

         - Add FAQ item: comparison to JSON schema.

         - Add FAQ item: advice on writing schemas (preliminary).


         - Add type: 'undef'.

         - Add attribute: 'input'.

         - Add clauses: 'check_each', 'exists', 'check_exists', 'each_index',


         - Rename 'vals' attribute to 'is_multi' (a bool) and store the multiple
           values in the clause value itself. This is to avoid having both
           'CLAUSE' and 'CLAUSE.vals'.

         - Rename 'expr' clause attribute to 'is_expr' (a bool). The expression
           is now contained in the original clause value/attribute. This is to
           be consistent with 'is_multi'.

         - Tweak the 'if' clause (change 'then_ok' or 'else_nok' to 'then' and

         - Rename clause 'noop' to 'ok' (consistency with min_ok/max_nok/etc).
           Remove clause 'fail' (can be replaced with '!ok').

         - Rename clause 'check' to 'expr' (consistency with 'prop' as well as
           the 'prop' and 'expr' keys in the 'if' clause).


         - HasElems: remove 'num_of' clause (not generic enough, might be split
           to a custom clause distribution later).

0.9.3    2012-09-20 (SHARYANTO)


         - BaseType: Rename old 'if' clause to 'if_clause' (the new 'if' clause
           is now a generic condition clause which accepts a hash).

         - HasElems: Rename clause 'all_elems' to 'each_elem'.


         - Introduce 'result_var' attribute.

         - Introduce 'type property'.

         - BaseType: add clauses 'schema_v' & 'base_v'. Also mention 'defhash_v'
           (from DefHash specification).

         - BaseType: add generic condition clause 'if' (this is different from
           the old 'if', which has been renamed to 'if_clause').

         - BaseType: add generic looping clauses 'each' and 'exists'.


         - Move 'elems' clause to array (POD mistake).


         - Specify behavior when CLAUSE value and CLAUSE.vals both exist.

0.9.2    2012-09-19 (SHARYANTO)

         - Clause set now uses DefHash.

         - '=' is now a shortcut for '.expr' attribute.

         - Add FAQ and overview (moved from Data::Sah's POD).


         - '.val' removed, now use clause value (DefHash).


         - Update some examples.

0.9.1    2012-09-13 (SHARYANTO)

         - Move type documentation from Data::Sah.

         - BaseType: remove clauses 'comment' and add clauses 'v' (DefHash);
           remove implementation clauses (SANITY, PREPROCESS, POSTPROCESS).

         - HasElems: rename clause 'elem_deps' to 'if_elems_re', add clause

         - str: rename clause 'is_regex' to 'is_re'.

0.9.0    2012-07-21 (SHARYANTO)

         - First release, split specification from Data-Sah.