package Setup::File::Symlink; BEGIN { $Setup::File::Symlink::VERSION = '0.07'; } # ABSTRACT: Ensure symlink existence and target use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use Log::Any '$log'; use Data::Dump::Partial qw(dumpp); use File::Copy::Recursive qw(rmove); use File::Path qw(remove_tree); use UUID::Random; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(setup_symlink); our %SPEC; $SPEC{setup_symlink} = { summary => "Create symlink or fix symlink target", description => <<'_', On do, will create symlink which points to specified target. If symlink already exists but points to another target, it will be replaced with the correct symlink if replace_symlink option is true. If a file already exists, it will be removed (or, backed up to temporary directory) before the symlink is created, if replace_file option is true. If given, -undo_hint should contain {tmp_dir=>...} to specify temporary directory to save replaced file/dir. Temporary directory defaults to ~/.setup, it will be created if not exists. On undo, will restore the original symlink/ if it was replaced during do. _ args => { symlink => ['str*' => { summary => 'Path to symlink', description => <<'_', Symlink path needs to be absolute so it's normalized. _ arg_pos => 1, match => qr!^/!, }], target => ['str*' => { summary => 'Target path of symlink', arg_pos => 0, }], create => ['bool*' => { summary => "Create if symlink doesn't exist", default => 1, description => <<'_', If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. _ }], replace_symlink => ['bool*' => { summary => "Replace previous symlink if it already exists ". "but doesn't point to the wanted target", description => <<'_', If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. _ default => 1, }], replace_file => ['bool*' => { summary => "Replace if there is existing non-symlink file", description => <<'_', If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. _ default => 0, }], replace_dir => ['bool*' => { summary => "Replace if there is existing dir", description => <<'_', If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. _ default => 0, }], }, features => {undo=>1, dry_run=>1}, }; sub setup_symlink { my %args = @_; my $dry_run = $args{-dry_run}; my $undo_action = $args{-undo_action} // ""; # check args my $symlink = $args{symlink}; $symlink =~ m!^/! or return [400, "Please specify an absolute path for symlink"]; my $target = $args{target}; defined($target) or return [400, "Please specify target"]; my $create = $args{create} // 1; my $replace_file = $args{replace_file} // 0; my $replace_dir = $args{replace_dir} // 0; my $replace_sym = $args{replace_symlink} // 1; # check current state and collect steps my $is_symlink = (-l $symlink); # -l performs lstat() my $exists = (-e _); # now we can use -e my $is_dir = (-d _); my $cur_target = $is_symlink ? readlink($symlink) : ""; my $steps; if ($undo_action eq 'undo') { $steps = $args{-undo_data} or return [400, "Please supply -undo_data"]; } elsif ($undo_action eq 'redo') { $steps = $args{-redo_data} or return [400, "Please supply -redo_data"]; } else { $steps = []; if ($exists && !$is_symlink) { $log->tracef("nok: exist but not a symlink"); if ($is_dir) { if (!$replace_dir) { return [412, "must replace dir but instructed not to"]; } push @$steps, ["rm"], ["ln"]; } else { if (!$replace_file) { return [412, "must replace file but instructed not to"]; } push @$steps, ["rm"], ["ln"]; } } elsif ($is_symlink && $cur_target ne $target) { $log->tracef("nok: symlink doesn't point to correct target"); if (!$replace_sym) { return [412, "must replace symlink but instructed not to"]; } push @$steps, ["rmsym"], ["ln"]; } elsif (!$exists) { $log->tracef("nok: doesn't exist"); if (!$create) { return [412, "must create symlink but instructed not to"]; } push @$steps, ["ln"]; } } return [400, "Invalid steps, must be an array"] unless $steps && ref($steps) eq 'ARRAY'; return [200, "Dry run"] if $dry_run; # create tmp dir for undo my $save_undo = $undo_action ? 1:0; my $undo_hint = $args{-undo_hint} // {}; return [400, "Invalid -undo_hint, please supply a hashref"] unless ref($undo_hint) eq 'HASH'; my $tmp_dir = $undo_hint->{tmp_dir} // "$ENV{HOME}/.setup"; if ($save_undo && !(-d $tmp_dir)) { mkdir $tmp_dir or return [500, "Can't make temp dir `$tmp_dir`: $!"]; } my $save_path = "$tmp_dir/".UUID::Random::generate; # perform the steps my $is_rollback; my $undo_steps = []; STEPS: for my $i (0..@$steps-1) { my $step = $steps->[$i]; $log->tracef("step %d of 0..%d: %s", $i, @$steps-1, $step); my $err; return [400, "Invalid step (not array)"] unless ref($step) eq 'ARRAY'; if ($step->[0] eq 'rmsym') { if ($exists) { if (unlink $symlink) { unshift @$undo_steps, ["ln", $cur_target]; } else { $err = "Can't remove $symlink: $!"; } } } elsif ($step->[0] eq 'rm') { if ($exists) { # do not bother to save file/dir if not asked if ($save_undo) { if (rmove $symlink, $save_path) { unshift @$undo_steps, ["restore", $save_path]; } elsif ((-l $symlink) || (-e _)) { $err = "Can't move file/dir $symlink -> $save_path: $!"; } } else { remove_tree($symlink, {error=>\my $e}); if (@$e && ((-l $symlink) || (-e _))) { $err = "Can't remove file/dir $symlink: ".dumpp($e); } } } } elsif ($step->[0] eq 'restore') { if (rmove $step->[1], $symlink) { unshift @$undo_steps, ["rm"]; } else { $err = "Can't restore $step->[1] -> $symlink: $!"; } } elsif ($step->[0] eq 'ln') { my $t = $step->[1] // $target; unless ((-l $symlink) && readlink($symlink) eq $t) { if (symlink $t, $symlink) { unshift @$undo_steps, ["rmsym"]; } else { $err = "Can't symlink $symlink -> $target: $!"; } } } else { die "BUG: Unknown step command: $step->[0]"; } if ($err) { if ($is_rollback) { die "Failed rollback step $i of 0..".(@$steps-1).": $err"; } else { $log->tracef("Step failed: $err, performing rollback ..."); $is_rollback++; $steps = $undo_steps; redo STEPS; } } } my $meta = {}; if ($undo_action =~ /^(re)?do$/) { $meta->{undo_data} = $undo_steps } elsif ($undo_action eq 'undo') { $meta->{redo_data} = $undo_steps } return [@$steps ? 200 : 304, @$steps ? "OK" : "Nothing done", undef, $meta]; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Setup::File::Symlink - Ensure symlink existence and target =head1 VERSION version 0.07 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Setup::File::Symlink 'setup_symlink'; # simple usage (doesn't save undo data) my $res = setup_symlink symlink => "/baz", target => "/qux"; die unless $res->[0] == 200 || $res->[0] == 304; # perform setup and save undo data my $res = setup_symlink symlink => "/foo", target => "/bar", -undo_action => 'do'; die unless $res->[0] == 200 || $res->[0] == 304; my $undo_data = $res->[3]{undo_data}; # perform undo my $res = setup_symlink symlink => "/symlink", target=>"/target", -undo_action => "undo", -undo_data=>$undo_data; die unless $res->[0] == 200; my $redo_data = $res->[3]{redo_data}; # perform redo my $res = setup_symlink symlink => "/symlink", target=>"/target", -undo_action => "redo", -redo_data=>$redo_data; die unless $res->[0] == 200; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides one function B<setup_symlink>. This module is part of the Setup modules family. This module uses L<Log::Any> logging framework. This module's functions have L<Sub::Spec> specs. =head1 THE SETUP MODULES FAMILY I use the C<Setup::> namespace for the Setup modules family, typically used in installers (or other applications). The modules in Setup family have these characteristics: =over 4 =item * used to reach some desired state For example, Setup::File::Symlink::setup_symlink makes sure a symlink exists to the desired target. Setup::File::setup_file makes sure a file exists with the correct content/ownership/permission. =item * do nothing if desired state has been reached Function should return 304 (nothing to do) status. =item * support dry-run (simulation) mode Function should return 200 on success, but change nothing. =item * support undo to restore state to previous/original one =back =head1 FUNCTIONS None are exported by default, but they are exportable. =head2 setup_symlink(%args) -> [STATUS_CODE, ERR_MSG, RESULT] Create symlink or fix symlink target. On do, will create symlink which points to specified target. If symlink already exists but points to another target, it will be replaced with the correct symlink if replace_symlink option is true. If a file already exists, it will be removed (or, backed up to temporary directory) before the symlink is created, if replace_file option is true. If given, -undo_hint should contain {tmp_dir=>...} to specify temporary directory to save replaced file/dir. Temporary directory defaults to ~/.setup, it will be created if not exists. On undo, will restore the original symlink/ if it was replaced during do. Returns a 3-element arrayref. STATUS_CODE is 200 on success, or an error code between 3xx-5xx (just like in HTTP). ERR_MSG is a string containing error message, RESULT is the actual result. This function supports undo operation. See L<Sub::Spec::Clause::features> for details on how to perform do/undo/redo. This function supports dry-run (simulation) mode. To run in dry-run mode, add argument C<-dry_run> => 1. Arguments (C<*> denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<target>* => I<str> Target path of symlink. =item * B<symlink>* => I<str> Path to symlink. Symlink path needs to be absolute so it's normalized. =item * B<create>* => I<bool> (default C<1>) Create if symlink doesn't exist. If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. =item * B<replace_dir>* => I<bool> (default C<0>) Replace if there is existing dir. If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. =item * B<replace_file>* => I<bool> (default C<0>) Replace if there is existing non-symlink file. If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. =item * B<replace_symlink>* => I<bool> (default C<1>) Replace previous symlink if it already exists but doesn't point to the wanted target. If set to false, then setup will fail (412) if this condition is encountered. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Sub::Spec>, specifically L<Sub::Spec::Clause::features> on dry-run/undo. Other modules in Setup:: namespace. =head1 AUTHOR Steven Haryanto <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut __END__