Revision history for Sub-Spec-Gen-ReadTable
0.06 2012-01-20
No functional changes. Mark deprecation.
0.05 2011-11-23
No functional changes. Replace Data::Sah::Util with Data::Sah.
0.04 2011-10-19
'table_data' function is now expected to return {data=>DATA, ...}
instead of just DATA. This is to allow function to return data that is
already filtered (by passing filtered=>1), and/or sorted (sorted=>1),
and/or paged (paged=>1) for efficiency.
0.03 2011-08-31
No functional changes. Updated because _parse_schema() is moved from
Sub::Spec::Utils to Data::Sah::Util.
0.02 2011-06-13
- Generated function can search array fields.
- Column specification clause: column_searchable (default 1) which can
be set to false to exclude column from searching.
- Provide search data (search_fields, search_re) in query.
0.01 2011-06-13
First release.