Revision history for Sub-Spec-To-Pod
0.22 2012-01-31
No functional changes. Update to Data-Sah-0.02.
0.21 2012-01-16
Cancel rename to Sub::Spec::To::Pod to avoid name clashes.
0.20 2012-01-16
No functional changes. Add alias to old name Sub::Spec::To::Pod.
0.19 2012-01-16
No functional changes. Rename from Sub::Spec::To::Pod to
Sub::Spec::To::POD. Mark deprecated.
0.18 2011-11-23
No functional changes. Replace Data::Sah::Util with Data::Sah.
0.17 2011-09-22
Support 'args_as' spec clause: display arg_pos for subs with
args_as =~ /array/.
0.16 2011-08-24
Bug fixes (module location and function name).
0.15 2011-08-24
Rename module to Sub::Spec::To::Pod, rename functions.
0.14 2011-04-07
- Parse 'features' clause and note in the POD about these features:
reverse, undo, pure, dry_run.
0.13 2011-03-08
Fix small bug.
Parse result_naked clause.
0.12 2011-02-23
Add argument: specs.
Rename argument: require -> load.
0.11 2011-02-22
Use Sub::Spec::Utils
0.10 2011-02-18
Generate documentation about response structure ([STATUSCODE, ERRMSG,
RESULT] + a paragraph explaining it).
Parse arg_aliases.
0.09 2011-02-11
Remove mention of 'required_args'.
0.08 2011-02-11
Build fix: missing dependency.
0.07 2011-02-10
Formatting tweaks.
0.06 2011-02-10
Packaging bug: backup files not removed.
0.05 2011-02-10
Fix silly bug.
0.04 2011-02-10
Fix schema clause ('in', not 'choices').
0.03 2011-02-10
Formatting fixes & tweaks.
0.02 2011-02-10
Add 'path' argument.
Fix small typo.
0.01 2011-02-09
First release.