Revision history for Sub-Spec-URI

0.10     2011-10-24


         - Add $load_module_hook (not yet documented).

         - Add proto().

0.09     2011-10-24

         No functional changes. Internal: move list_specs() to parent class
         SS::URI so it's available from other subclasses.

0.08     2011-10-24


         - Add call_other() and spec_other().

         - Add list_specs().

0.07     2011-10-05


         - pm: instead of throwing an error, spec() will now return all of
           module's specs if sub is not specified.

0.06     2011-08-31

         - pm: call() now uses Sub::Spec::Wrapper.

         - pm: list_subs() skips private subs and methods.

0.05     2011-08-29

         - pm scheme: allow "pm://Module/func" as well as "pm:Module/func".

         - Add more tests.

0.04     2011-08-29

         Add args() method. Add tests.

0.03     2011-08-29

         Rename from Sub::Spec::ByURI -> Sub::Spec::URI.

0.02     2011-08-28

         No functional changes. Forgot to remove unneeded modules.

0.01     2011-08-28

         First release.