Revision history for Test-Rinci
0.07 2013-12-21 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Adjust to Perinci::Access::Perl 0.55+ (list
action returns relative URIs).
0.06 2013-11-20 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Add 'use experimental smartmatch' for perl
0.05 2013-11-07 (SHARYANTO)
- Allow skipping testing an example if example's 'test' property is set
to 0 (Rinci 1.1.41).
0.04 2013-10-15 (SHARYANTO)
- Recognize Rinci 1.1.39's examples with 'src' (but skips them for now).
0.03 2013-09-08 (SHARYANTO)
- Replace Perinci::Access::InProcess with ::Perl.
0.02 2013-08-22 (SHARYANTO)
- Forgot to 'use File::Spec'.
0.01 2012-10-31 (SHARYANTO)
- First release.