Revision history for Text-WideChar-Util

0.07    2013-09-10 (SHARYANTO)

        - Replace Text::CharWidth with Unicode::GCString. It's about 2.5x slower
          but it is more proper and builds on Windows.

0.06    2013-05-18 (SHARYANTO)

        - Provide pad() and trunc() which are respectively the non-wide version
          of mbpad() and mbtrunc().

0.05    2013-05-17 (SHARYANTO)

        - Add return_stats option to {mb,}wrap.

0.04    2013-04-19 (SHARYANTO)

        - Fix bug in mbtrunc().

0.03    2013-04-18 (SHARYANTO)

        - Reimplement mbwrap() to be more like Emacs and Text::ANSI::Util's

        - Provide wrap() as an alternative for Text::Wrap's wrap().

0.02    2013-04-09 (SHARYANTO)

        [BUG FIXES]

        - mbpad(): Since mbtrunc() can generate text with width ($width-1) or
        even less, depending on the width of truncated wide character, we need
        to pad again to get to $width.

0.01    2013-04-09 (SHARYANTO)

        First release.