Change log for Config::Simple
  $Date: 2003/03/09 01:43:42 $

    * tie() interface, convenience methods as well as deprecated
      methods are loaded on demand using AutoLoader.
    * Minor bugs in the test suits fixed.
    * Shorter, better manual SYNOPSIS and other minor documentation fixes.    

    * full support for tie-interface
    * bug in param() method fixed, where it used to display 'undef'
      as a value of any variable in the config file with a single '0'.

    * import_from() class method now supports second argument
      to be a reference to an existing hash

    * Minor fix: forgot to remove "use diagnostics" line.

    * bug fix in get_block() as well as set_block() method
    * get_block() and set_block() methods are finally documented
      along with "-block" param() option  

    * Test scripts fixed
    * import_names() specific section of the manual updated

    * import_names() method to import values as global variables
      to the caller's name space.
    * import_from() class method to import values from a file
      instead of from an object
    * comments on the as_string() will have last update date.
      This applies to write() and save() methods as well.

    * Better exception handling through Config::Simple->error()
    * Using for more portable O_* values
    * Support for multiple values using comma (,);
    * Smart support for multiple configuration file syntax including
      ini-files, simple config. as well as http-like style
    * quoting key values is optional
    * -lc switch to disable case sensitive parsing of block names and keys
    * much improved write()

$Revision: 3.15 $