Revision history for Perl module OpenAIGPT4
0.12 2023-05-28
    - Add how to use gpt-4 in POD.

0.11 2023-05-22
    - Edited POD.

0.10 2023-05-22
    - Edited POD.

0.09 2023-05-22
    - The open ai host url is optional, and can be used for running against a LocalAI API server.

0.08 2023-05-22
    - Edited Makefile.PL.

0.07 2023-05-22
    - Added ";".

0.06 2023-05-22
    - Add a new key named history within the object, which is used to keep track of previous messages.

0.05 2023-05-22
    - Added LWP::Protocol::https.

0.04 2023-05-22
    - Edited use 5.032;.

0.03 2023-05-22
    - Added use 5.034;.

0.02 2023-05-22
    - Improved document information.

0.01 2023-05-22
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
    - Implemented `new` method for creating a new OpenAIGPT4 object.
    - Implemented `generate_text` method for generating text using the OpenAI GPT-4 API.