Revision history for App-Git-Info
0.4.0 2019-02-03
- Switch from App::Rad to App::Cmd .
- For cleaner code.
0.2.0 2018-08-22
- Put the actual processing in a main::run() sub.
- In part to silence the tests.
- Breaking change.
0.0.3 2018-08-21
- Fix the abstract in the POD
- Thanks to MANWAR
- Fix a trailing double newline at the output of "git info info"
- Resulted in an empty line.
0.0.2 2018-08-21
- Fix "git info info"
- App::Rad does not seem too suitable for writing modulinos
(see ).
0.0.1 2018-08-21
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world