Revision history for App-ManiacDownloader

v0.0.5  2014-01-17
    - Fix the resuming of downloads. The problem was that the opens
    of the resumed buffer file, clobbered the existing file because we used
    '+>' to open it.

v0.0.4  2013-10-26
    - Add MooX::late to the Prereqs.
        - Its lack made the distribution fail.

v0.0.3  2013-10-25
    - Add a Test::TrailingSpace test to dist.ini .
    - Make sure the application can be interrupted and resumed.
        - it saves a JSON file upon getting an interrupt.

v0.0.2  2013-10-09
    - Add MANIFEST.SKIP and filter out the **/*~ files.

v0.0.1  2013-09-26
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world