Revision history for App-Sky

v0.0.6      2013-06-04
    - Made minimal version of perl 5.010 due to use of defined-or.
        - it failed on perl-5.8.9.

v0.0.5      2013-06-02
    - Remove *~ files from the distribution.
        - Thanks to Kharec for noticing and reporting.

v0.0.4      2013-06-02
    - Extract the lib/App/Sky/Config/ class.
    - Some tests for it in t/config-validate.t .

v0.0.3      2013-06-02
    - Add MooX::late to the pre-requisites.
        - There were test failures:

v0.0.2      2013-05-31
    - Add scripts/ .
    - Correct the links in the resources and pages to the repositories/etc.

v0.0.1      2013-05-31
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world