0.0400 Sun Dec 25 19:49:48 IST 2011
- Add support for --basepath
- Made the -o flag optional, and excluding it from xsltproc if it's
not specified (there are other ways to specify the output with
xsltproc and XSLT).
- These two changes were intended for adapting docmake to
building DocBook 5.
0.0300 Wed Apr 20 09:05:51 IDT 2011
- Add support for the xhtml-1_1 mode.
- Add the tag-release.pl script.
0.0201 Tue Jun 30 15:43:00 IDT 2009
- Fixed --make with xhtml - previously it didn't build the
xhtml at all.
- Got rid of some warnings in the --make flag with the is_older
flag. Made _is_older more robust.
0.0200 Sun Jun 28 09:46:15 IDT 2009
- Removed the "all rights reserved" copyright language - it's not
compatible with the MIT/X11 License anyway.
- Added the COPYING file.
- Added 'create_makefile_pl' to the Build.PL.
- Added meta_merge resources and keywords to Build.PL.
0.0101 Wed Apr 1 13:35:28 IDT 2009
- now accepting a --stringparam empty.param="" notation for empty
string parameters.
- changed the license in Build.PL from 'bsd' to 'mit' because it's:
- 1. More accurate.
- 2. Does not error on my system.
0.01 Fri Jul 11 13:58:14 IDT 2008
- First version.
- Has "fo", "xhtml", "pdf" and "rtf" modes.
- Some flags.
- PODs, help, etc.