Revision history for CPANPLUS-Dist-Fedora

( CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv changes below. )

0.0.6   2014-12-22
 - Update the README, as it was still the one for CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv.
    - Thanks to Tom Legrady for the report.
 - Probing for '/etc/redhat-release' as well as '/etc/fedora-release'
    - So one can use CPANPLUS::Dist::Fedora on CentOS/RHEL/etc.
    - Thanks to Tom Legrady for the report.

0.0.5   2014-02-18
 - .spec file fix for Fedora and paths.
    - Thanks to Chris Travers for the report and fix.
 - Adding prerequisites to requires and buildrequires.
    - Thanks to Chris Travers for the report and fix.
 - META.yml: add VCS repository URL + keywords.

0.0.4   2013-05-23
 - Removed a duplicate "perl" dependency from Build.PL.
 - Remove trailing whitespace.
 - Add Test::Run::Builder support.

0.0.3   2008-09-13
 - Changed the Readonly variables that contained command-line
 invocations of "rpm" (that got invoked when loading the module) to a
 memoized method that gets called at run time.
    - Fixes the build errors reported in:
 - Eliminated the rest of the Readonly variables and converted them to
 object methods.
 - Eliminated the use of File::Slurp and made the file slurp a line-wise loop,
 that should consume less memory.

0.0.2   2008-09-12
 - Applied a modified version of Chris Weyl's patch to
 lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/ :
    - generate the spec using Template Toolkit.
    - adapted to some Fedora conventions.
    - fixed some missing capitalisation.
 - Made sure the 'requires' in Build.PL are not present in 'build_requires'.
 - Now generating Makefile.PL from Build.PL.

0.0.1   2008-08-23
 - Forked from CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv-0.3.7.
 - Adapted to Fedora.

Revision history for CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv

High-level changelog

0.3.x  better module information
0.2.x  better resilience to errors
0.1.x  initial release

Low-level changelog

0.3.7 Sun Aug 10 09:00:43 CEST 2008
 - fix bug 38360: borken changelog generation (shlomi fish)
 - update repository information

0.3.6 Wed Jun 11 12:55:13 CEST 2008
 - don't insert a blank line before description, as per thierry vignaud's request
 - use %buildroot rpm macro instead of env var, as per guillaume's request
 - don't package META.yml file, as per guillaume's request
 - added initial changelog to be imported by mdvsys, as per guillaume's request

0.3.5 Sun Feb 10 18:53:39 CET 2008
 - moving to git
 - using pod::pom::view::text to format description
    . wrapping description to fit in 80 columns
    . removing all pod sequences in it

0.3.4 Fri Dec 21 13:12:52 CET 2007
 - ticket #31693: using rpm command to find rpm topdir

0.3.3 Mon Nov 26 13:57:03 CET 2007
 - fixing typo in default description
 - kwalitee/cpants release

0.3.2 Tue Nov 13 18:09:34 CET 2007
 - checking for Makefile.PL à la Module::Build::Compat
 - fixing build problems
 - enabling tests during rpm creation

0.3.1 Mon Nov 12 18:30:08 CET 2007
 - try to guess build arch
 - module toplevel replaced by a wildcard (for native packages)

0.3.0 Thu Nov  8 19:24:00 CET 2007
 - provide summary in generated specfile + rpm
 - try to provide a description in generated specfile + rpm


0.2.2 Wed Nov  7 19:09:50 CET 2007
 - taking guillomovitch's input into account
 - don't provide runtime requirements: rpmbuild will find them
 - restricting file inclusion:
     . prefer specific files instead of system manpage directory
     . including module top level
 - providing full source url for easier updates later on

0.2.1 Mon Nov  5 18:33:13 CET 2007
 - using File::HomeDir instead of computing ourselves $HOME
 - removed YAML usage (was here for debugging purpose)

0.2.0 Sun Nov  4 17:41:46 CET 2007
 - fixing spec-file when missing files detected by rpmbuild
 - rpmbuild now quiet for better output
 - fixing test on windows
 - fixing case where more than one rpm / srpm found


0.1.3 Wed Oct 24 18:46:01 CEST 2007
 - reordered calls to makemaker
 - don't rebuild rpm unless needed (or forced)

0.1.2 Sat Oct 20 12:36:16 CEST 2007
 - taking jos boumans' input into account
 - fixing name of spec file (using distname instead of module name)

0.1.1 Fri Oct 19 13:28:02 CEST 2007
 - fixing missing prereqs in build scripts

0.1.0 Thu Oct 18 20:02:52 CEST 2007
 - initial release: format_available, and rough init / prepare / create