    - Add t/pod.t and got the embedded PODs to validate.
    - Convert the Build system to Module-Build.
    - Fix https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=78817
        - Fix a warning for lc called with undef value
        when "-w" is specified - during some tests.
    - Tests fail or get stuck on Windows - use Devel::AssertOS to make sure
    we don't build there.
        - https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=81386
        - if a kind soul will fix the tests and/or the code on MSWin, we will
        remove it.
    - Bugfix/maintenance release (2.05)

	- Bugfix release (2.04)
	- Fix for failure to call load_callback when verify_callback
	  fails the result (credit to Chris Fletcher).

	- Fix for set_expiry in Cache::Memory (credit to Sean M. Egan).

	- Bugfix release (2.03)
	- Fix for cache_umask: individual files were not created with correct
	  permissions (credit to Chris Huegle).

	- Bugfix release (2.02)
	- Update require to 5.006 since 'use warnings' depends on it
	  (credit to Adam Kennedy).
	- Fixed a comparison issue with DB_File, where it can compare undef's.

	- Fixed the Cache::freeze() shortcut method which wasn't passing
	  arguments to Cache::Entry::freeze() (credit to Ingo Blechschmidt).

	- Bugfix release (2.01)
	 o Fixed parsing of all digit expiry times
	 o Fixed use of scalar validity in Cache::Memory
	 o Allowed validity to be set on non-existant entry
	   (sets entry data to zero length)
	 o Fixed package name for Cache::Memory::HeapElem
	 o Documentation fixes

	- Initial release (2.00)