Revision history for Games-ABC_Path-Generator
0.1.1 2013-05-21
- Fix the documentation of FinalLayoutObj - it had some remnants of
the RiddleObj documentation.
- Got rid of lib/Games/ABC_Path/Generator/ - it was no
longer used.
- Add t/style-trailing-space.t .
- Add t/cpan-changes.t .
- Correct the URL.
0.1.0 2011-07-23
- Improved lib/Games/ABC_Path/ with acknowldgements, a
"SEE ALSO" section and a "DESCRIPTION" section.
- Add the shuffle method to lib/Games/ABC_Path/ .
- Convert the constants module to Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Constants
to merge the common parts of Games::ABC_Path::Solver and
- Convert to the methods of Games::ABC_Path::Solver::Base .
- Now requires Games::ABC_Path::Solver version 0.2.0.
0.0.1 2011-07-21
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.