package Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantsMap; use strict; use warnings; require Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams; use base 'Games::Solitaire::Verify::Base'; =head1 NAME Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantsMap - a mapping from the variants to their parameters. =head1 VERSION Version 0.03 =cut our $VERSION = '0.1000'; sub _init { return 0; } my %variants_map = ( "bakers_dozen" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 13, 'num_freecells' => 0, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "rank", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "none", } ), "bakers_game" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "any", } ), "beleaguered_castle" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 0, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "rank", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "any", } ), "cruel" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 12, 'num_freecells' => 0, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "none", } ), "der_katzenschwanz" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 2, 'num_columns' => 9, 'num_freecells' => 8, 'sequence_move' => "unlimited", 'seq_build_by' => "alt_color", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "none", } ), "die_schlange" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 2, 'num_columns' => 9, 'num_freecells' => 8, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "alt_color", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "none", } ), "eight_off" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 8, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "kings", } ), "fan" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 18, 'num_freecells' => 0, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "kings", } ), "forecell" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "alt_color", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "kings", } ), "freecell" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "alt_color", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "any", } ), "good_measure" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 10, 'num_freecells' => 0, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "rank", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "none", } ), "kings_only_bakers_game" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "kings", } ), "relaxed_freecell" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 8, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "unlimited", 'seq_build_by' => "alt_color", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "any", } ), "relaxed_seahaven_towers" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 10, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "unlimited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "kings", } ), "seahaven_towers" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 10, 'num_freecells' => 4, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "kings", } ), "simple_simon" => Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams->new( { 'num_decks' => 1, 'num_columns' => 10, 'num_freecells' => 0, 'sequence_move' => "limited", 'seq_build_by' => "suit", 'empty_stacks_filled_by' => "any", 'rules' => "simple_simon", } ), ); =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 $self->calc_variants_map() Returns the variants map - a hash reference mapping the variant ID to its parameters. =cut sub calc_variants_map { my $self = shift; return \%variants_map; } =head2 my $variant_params = $self->get_variant_by_id($id) Returns the variant from its ID or undef if it does not exist. =cut sub get_variant_by_id { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; my $map = $self->calc_variants_map(); if (!exists($map->{$id})) { return; } else { return $map->{$id}->clone(); } } =head1 PARAMETERS =head2 Variants IDs This is a list of the available variant IDs. =over 4 =item * bakers_dozen =item * bakers_game =item * beleaguered_castle =item * cruel =item * der_katzenschwanz =item * die_schlange =item * eight_off =item * fan =item * forecell =item * freecell =item * good_measure =item * kings_only_bakers_game =item * relaxed_freecell =item * relaxed_seahaven_towers =item * seahaven_towers =item * simple_simon =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantParams> . =head1 AUTHOR Shlomi Fish, C<< <shlomif at> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-games-solitaire-verifysolution-move at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Games::Solitaire::Verify::VariantsMap You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Shlomi Fish. This program is released under the following license: MIT/X11 ( L<> ). =cut 1;