Revision history for HTML-Latemp-News

0.2.0   2019-03-30
    - Add the ability to set the channel's pubDate and lastBuildDate .

0.1.12  2018-05-02
    - Stop using Class-Accessor
    - perltidy

0.1.11  Unknown
    - [RewriteVersion] in dist.ini.

0.1.10  2015-28-12
    - Move away from old E-mail.

0.1.8   2015-05-30
    - Convert the build system to Dist-Zilla.
        - Some improvements in the process.

0.1.8   2014-01-30
    - Add t/cpan-changes.t and t/style-trailing-space.t .
    - Add LICENSE (CPANTS Kwalitee).
    - Change the license in the META.yml to mit instead of bsd.

0.1.7    2005-12-07
    - Added a Makefile.PL wrapper to the Build.PL build process (taken
    verbatim from

0.1.6    2005-05-07
    - Added the base_url argument to get_news_page_entries()

0.1.5    2005-05-05
    - Some documentation updates: made the synopsis better.

0.1.4    2005-04-30
    - Added the get_news_box_contents function.

0.1.3    2005-04-27
    - First CPAN Release