0.2.10 2019-08-23
* Moved the VCS repo to https://github.com/shlomif/perl-html-links-localize
* No other significant changes.
0.2.9 2018-05-21
* Correct the name of the module in the README.
* Remove trailing whitespace.
* Convert to Dist-Zilla.
0.2.8 2014-01-30
* Minimum version of perl (CPANTS).
* Add t/cpan-changes.t and t/style-trailing-space.t .
0.2.7 2012-03-11
* Modernized t/use.t and converted it from Test.pm to Test::More.
* Add "use warnings;" to the core code and modernized it a little (there
are still many issues left).
* Add some dependencies, resources and keywords to Build.PL.
0.2.6 2009-04-04
* Fixed the html-to-hd script to use HTML::Links::Localize instead of
- https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=41518
0.2.5 2006-10-14
* Specified the license.
* Added pod.t and pod-coverage.t
- prefixed the inner functions with underscores
* Added a Buile.PL file.
* Added the examples directory
0.2.4 2003-07-13
* Added the Changes file to the MANIFEST.
0.2.3 2003-06-30
* Fixed a documentation bug that said HTML::Hard::Disk instead of