Revision history for HTML-Spelling-Site

0.2.0      2018-10-30
    - Add the light => 1 flag to lib/HTML/Spelling/Site/ .

v0.0.5      2017-05-11
    - Convert dist.ini to @SHLOMIF .
    - Eliminate duplicates in the global whitelist and fix some other bugs.

v0.0.4      2016-03-23
    - Update the main synposis.
    - Add HTML::Spelling::Site::Checker->test_spelling()

v0.0.3      2016-03-12
    - Improve the POD documentation.

v0.0.2      2016-03-12
    - Made the minimal version of perl 5.14.x to avoid CPAN testers' failures
    on perl-5.8.9. E.g.:

v0.0.1      2016-03-11
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world