Revision history for HTML-Widgets-NavMenu-ToJSON
0.0.5 2014-10-22
- Convert the tests to use JSON::MaybeXS instead of
- Missing dependency.
0.0.4 2014-10-20
- Build.PL dep on JSON::MaybeXS instead of
- Add scripts/
- Add scripts/
0.0.3 2014-10-20
- Convert to JSON::MaybeXS and make sure the order of the keys
is canonical.
0.0.2 2014-01-31
- Add minimum version of perl to Build.PL/META.yml.
- Add t/cpan-changes.t and t/style-trailing-space.t .
- Add LICENSE (CPANTS Kwalitee).
0.0.1 2012-12-24
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.