0.6806 2019-08-23
- Moved to https://github.com/shlomif/perl-mail-lmlm
- tidyall
0.6805 2018-05-23
- Convert to Dist-Zilla .
0.6804 2015-04-27
- Update old URLs and E-mails to up-to-date ones.
0.6803 2014-01-31
- Minimal version of perl is 5.008.
- Add t/style-trailing-space.t and remove trailing space.
- Add "use warnings;" everywhere.
- Add the LICENSE file (CPANTS).
0.6802 2012-03-09
- Convert t/use.t to Test::More and use_ok().
- it previously used Test.pm and plain ok()s after use statements.
- Test.pm is no longer recommended.
- Enhance the Build.PL with keywords, resources, requires and build_requires.
0.6801 Unknown
- Correct the Google groups' mailing list homepage.
0.6800 Unknown
- Fix the Google Groups behaviour. (It was completely broken beforehand).
- We need some t/*.t tests.
0.6700 Unknown
- Fix the building of the rpm using rpmbuild -tb Mail-LMLM-0.6600.tar.gz
0.6600 2010-02-23
- Add support for Google Groups mailing lists (under the "google" type).
0.6500 2009-07-23
- Added the -owner address to mailman.
0.6400 2007-03-07
- Kwalitee improvements:
- Added pod.t and pod-coverage.t files.
- Added full POD coverage.
- Added a Build.PL file.
- Changed the COPYRIGHT POD section to LICENSE
0.6300 2006-04-25
- Added id="" attributes to the sections.
0.6.2 Unknown
- RPM .spec fixes for new versions of Mandriva.
- Fixed the prepare_package.sh script.
0.6.1 Unknown
Processed the prolog and epilog parameters in Mail::LMLM.
0.6.0 Unknown
Upgraded the minor version number to a stable version.
0.5.16 Unknown
Added MANIFEST to itself.
Added the RPM Spec file.
0.5.15 Unknown
Added a t/use.t test and made sure the objects were moved to blib
during the installation.
The version is now read from Mail::LMLM.pm instead of the ver.txt