Revision history for Perl extension SVN::RaWeb::Light.

0.4.0      Tue Apr 12 06:27:50 2005
    - Added a test suite.
    - Did some code cleanup.
    - Fixed a bug where accessing the script without a leading / in the 
    path_info did not redirect to the same URL only with a /.
0.2.2      Mon Nov 15 07:01:42 2004
    - Added an AUTHORS file
    - Updated the README and the POD document to make the intention of
    the module clearer.

0.2.1      Thu Nov 11, 2004
    - Fixed the bug with the ?rev=${HEAD} leading to a non-rev= URL and the one 
    with the rev=0 being ignored.
    - Fix the bug with the .. directory listed in the top directory of the 
    CGI script.

0.2.0      Tue Nov 09, 2004
    First Stable Release.
    Browse a single repository using a URL parameter.
    The rev parameter.