Revision history for Perl extension SVN::RaWeb::Light.
0.60004 2015-05-30
- Add resources/keywords to META.yml.
0.60003 2014-01-31
- Minimum version of perl is 5.8.x (CPANTS).
- Fix the generation of ::Help.
- Add t/cpan-changes.t and t/style-trailing-space.t - fix their problems.
- Remove Makefile.PL - it was old and broken.
- Move the Mocks and Tests under ./t/lib .
0.60002 2011-06-04
- Add more modules to the dependencies, including SVN::Core
- Fix the POD coverage by making _escape private.
0.60001 2006-10-10
- Added the Build.PL file and got it to build.
- Added "use strict" and "use warnings" to all files.
- Added t/pod.t and t/pod-coverage.t and made sure we have full POD
0.6.0 2005-07-07
- There's now a full test coverage.
- Added the URL translations. (with all relevant CGI parameters)
- Added the Help Screen.
- Added a link to showing the control panel.
0.4.0 2005-04-12
- Added a test suite.
- Did some code cleanup.
- Fixed a bug where accessing the script without a leading / in the
path_info did not redirect to the same URL only with a /.
0.2.2 2004-11-15
- Added an AUTHORS file
- Updated the README and the POD document to make the intention of
the module clearer.
0.2.1 2004-11-11
- Fixed the bug with the ?rev=${HEAD} leading to a non-rev= URL and the one
with the rev=0 being ignored.
- Fix the bug with the .. directory listed in the top directory of the
CGI script.
0.2.0 2004-11-09
First Stable Release.
Browse a single repository using a URL parameter.
The rev parameter.