package Spork::Shlomify::Slides::FromSpork; $Spork::Shlomify::Slides::FromSpork::VERSION = '0.0401'; use Spork -Base; use mixin 'Spoon::Installer'; require CGI; const class_id => 'slides'; field image_url => ''; field slide_heading => ''; field slide_index => []; field 'first_slide'; field top_config => {}; field config => -init => '$self->hub->config'; sub make_slides { my @slides = $self->split_slides($self->config->slides_file); $self->first_slide($slides[0]); $self->config->add_config($slides[0]->{config}); $self->top_config({$self->config->all}); $self->make_start; for (my $i = 0; $i < @slides; $i++) { my $slide = $slides[$i]; $self->config->add_config($slide->{config}); my $content = $slides[$i]{slide_content}; $slide->{first_slide} = $slides[0]->{slide_name}; $slide->{prev_slide} = $i ? $self->make_link($slides[$i - 1]{slide_name}) : 'start.html'; $slide->{next_slide} = $slides[$i + 1] ? $self->make_link($slides[$i + 1]{slide_name}) : ''; $self->slide_heading(''); $self->image_url(''); my $parsed = $self->hub->formatter->text_to_parsed($content); my $html = $parsed->to_html; $slide->{slide_heading} = $self->slide_heading; $slide->{image_html} = $self->get_image_html; my $output = $self->hub->template->process('slide.html', %$slide, hub => $self->hub, index_slide => 'index.html', slide_content => $html, spork_version => "Spork v$Spork::VERSION", ); my $file_name = $self->config->slides_directory . '/' . $slide->{slide_name}; io->file($file_name)->encoding($self->config->character_encoding)->assert->print($output); push @{$self->slide_index}, $slide if $slide->{slide_name} =~ /^slide\d+a?\.html$/; } $self->make_index; } sub make_link { my $link = shift; return $link unless $self->config->auto_scrolldown; return $link if $link =~ /^slide\d+a?\.html$/; return "$link#end"; } sub make_index { my $output = $self->hub->template->process('index.html', %{$self->top_config}, slides => $self->slide_index, spork_version => "Spork v$Spork::VERSION", next_slide => 'start.html', ); my $file_name = $self->config->slides_directory . '/index.html'; io->file($file_name)->encoding($self->config->character_encoding)->assert->print($output); } sub make_start { my $output = $self->hub->template->process('start.html', spork_version => "Spork v$Spork::VERSION", index_slide => 'index.html', next_slide => $self->first_slide->{slide_name}, ); io->file($self->start_name)->encoding($self->config->character_encoding)->assert->print($output); } sub start_name { $self->config->slides_directory . '/start.html'; } sub split_slides { my $slides_file = shift; my @slide_info; my @slides = grep $_, split /^-{4,}\s*\n/m, io($slides_file)->slurp; my $slide_num = 1; my $config = {}; for my $slide (@slides) { if ($slide =~ /\A(^(---|\w+\s*:.*|-\s+.*|#.*)\n)+\z/m) { $config = $self->hub->config->parse_yaml($slide); next; } my @sub_slides = $self->sub_slides($slide); my $sub_num = @sub_slides > 1 ? 'a' : ''; while (@sub_slides) { my $sub_slide = shift @sub_slides; my $slide_info = { slide_num => $slide_num, slide_content => $sub_slide, slide_name => "slide$slide_num$sub_num.html", last => @sub_slides ? 0 : 1, config => $config, sub_num => $sub_num }; $config = {}; push @slide_info, $slide_info; $sub_num++; } $slide_num++; } return @slide_info; } sub sub_slides { my $raw_slide = shift; my (@slides, $slide); for (split /^\+/m, $raw_slide) { push @slides, $slide .= $_; } return @slides; } sub get_image_html { my $image_url = $self->image_url or return ''; my $image_width; ($image_url, $image_width) = split /\s+/, $image_url; $image_width ||= $self->config->image_width; my $image_file = $image_url; $image_file =~ s/.*\///; my $images_directory = $self->config->slides_directory . '/images'; io->dir($images_directory)->assert->open; my $image_html = qq{<img name="img" id="img" width="$image_width" src="images/$image_file" align=right>}; return $image_html if -f "$images_directory/$image_file"; require Cwd; my $home = Cwd::cwd(); chdir($images_directory) or die; my $method = $self->config->download_method . '_download'; warn "- Downloading $image_url\n"; $self->$method($image_url, $image_file); chdir($home) or die; return -f "$images_directory/$image_file" ? $image_html : ''; } sub wget_download { my ($image_url, $image_file) = @_; system "wget $image_url 2> /dev/null"; } sub curl_download { my ($image_url, $image_file) = @_; system "curl -o $image_file $image_url 2> /dev/null"; } sub lwp_download { my ($image_url, $image_file) = @_; system "lwp-download $image_url > /dev/null"; } =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 VERSION version 0.0401 =for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan =head1 SUPPORT =head2 Websites The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always, in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources. =over 4 =item * MetaCPAN A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format. L<> =item * Search CPAN The default CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format. L<> =item * RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker The RT ( Request Tracker ) website is the default bug/issue tracking system for CPAN. L<> =item * CPAN Ratings The CPAN Ratings is a website that allows community ratings and reviews of Perl modules. L<> =item * CPANTS The CPANTS is a website that analyzes the Kwalitee ( code metrics ) of a distribution. L<> =item * CPAN Testers The CPAN Testers is a network of smoke testers who run automated tests on uploaded CPAN distributions. L<> =item * CPAN Testers Matrix The CPAN Testers Matrix is a website that provides a visual overview of the test results for a distribution on various Perls/platforms. L<> =item * CPAN Testers Dependencies The CPAN Testers Dependencies is a website that shows a chart of the test results of all dependencies for a distribution. L<> =back =head2 Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to C<bug-spork-shlomify at>, or through the web interface at L<>. You will be automatically notified of any progress on the request by the system. =head2 Source Code The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull from your repository :) L<> git clone =head1 AUTHOR Shlomi Fish =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<> When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Shlomi Fish. This is free software, licensed under: The MIT (X11) License =cut __DATA__ =head1 NAME Spork::Slides - Slide Presentations (Only Really Kwiki) =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 AUTHOR Brian Ingerson <> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004, 2005. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See =cut __Spork.slides__ ---- presentation_topic: Spork presentation_title: Spork - The Kwiki Way To Do Slideshows presentation_place: Portland, Oregon presentation_date: March 25nd, 2004 ---- == What is Spork? * Spork Stands for: +** Slide Presentation (Only Really Kwiki) +* Spork is an HTML Slideshow Generator ** All slides are in one simple file ** Run |spork -make| to make the slides +* Spork is a CPAN Module +* Spork is Based on Spoon ---- == Using Spork Spork makes setting up a slide presentation very easy. Just follow these easy steps: * mkdir myslides * cd myslides * spork -new * vim config.yaml Spork.slides * spork -make * spork -start ---- show_controls: 0 ---- == Moving About * To Advance Slide: ** Click /Next/ or Click Mouse or ** Hit /Enter/ or /ctl-n/ or /spacebar/ * To Move Backwards: ** Click /Previous/ or ** Hit /Delete/ or /ctl-p/ * Other Movements ** Starting Slide - /ctl-s/ ** Index Slide - /ctl-i/ * Notice The Control Links Have Disappeared ---- == Creating Slides Slides are all done in *Kwiki* markup language. Simple stuff. * Example Slide: == Sample Slide My point is, it's as easy as: * One +* Two +* Three Putting a plus (+) at the start of a line creates a subslide effect. ---- == Using Images * Hey Look. A picture! {image:} +* Woah, it changed! {image:} +* Images are cached locally ---- == Linking to Files * Often Times You Want to Show a File * {file: ./Spork.slides This} is the Slide Show Text! * Just Write a Line Like This * {file: ./Spork.slides This} is the Slide Show Text! * {file: ./Spork.slides This} is the Slide Show Text! * For Relative Paths, Set This in the |config.yaml| file_base: /Users/ingy/dev/cpan/Spork ---- banner_bgcolor: lightblue ---- == That's All * The END