Revision history for Perl extension Statistics::Descriptive.
3.0600 May 11, 2012
- Add the smoothing functionality.
- Add the following public methods: add_data_with_samples(),
set_smoother(), get_smoothed_data() to the main module.
- Add the lib/Statistics/Descriptive/ and
- Thanks to Fabio Ponciroli
- Add the scripts/ to facilitate bumping the
version number.
3.0500 May 03, 2012
- Add the get_data_without_outliers() and the set_outlier_filter()
- See
- Thanks to Fabio Ponciroli
3.0400 March 01, 2012
- Fix
- some function should return undef() in list context so they can
be easily assigned to values in hash initialisations.
- thanks to SLAFFAN for a preliminary patch which was modified
by SHLOMIF (the current Statistics-Descriptive maintainer).
3.0300 February 11, 2012
- Now mean() and median() and other routines return undef() if there are
no data.
- Somewhat incompatible change: some methods that returned undef() under
list context now return an empty list (so it will be false).
- it is generally not recommended to call such methods in list context
as they should always be called in scalar context.
- Resolves
- thanks to Shawn Laffan for the report and the patch.
3.0203 November 17, 2011
- Fix .
- percentile should not die and should return undef if there are
no elements in the collection.
3.0202 July 23, 2011
- Moved to scripts/ (though we now use
Mercurial instead of Subversion.)
- Add t/mode.t to test the ->mode() method.
- Documented ->mode() better.
- Optimized ->mode().
3.0201 October 14, 2010
- Add some documentation clarifying the 0th percentile return, as it
returns undef() for representing -inf:
- Fix
- Thanks to Dave Breimann for reporting it.
- Add the to tag a release using Subversion.
3.0200 June 18, 2010
- Added skewness and kurtosis
- Thanks to Shawn Laffan.
- Removed the Changes / Revision log from the .pm file.
3.0102 June 15, 2010
- Add the $VERSION variable to Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse and
Statistics::Descriptive::Full. This was done to silence the CPAN indexer.
3.0101 June 15, 2010
- Moved the trimmed_mean caching test (that used the module)
to rejects/descr.t , because it kept failing.
3.0100 July 20, 2009
- Added the quantile method - thanks to Djibril Ousmanou (DJIBEL).
3.0000 May 29, 2009
- Added tests (for ->count, ->sum, ->sumsq, ->min, ->max)
- Localized the scope of $stat and other variables in t/descr.t
- Got rid of AUTOLOAD in favour of individual accessors.
- Converted many direct member accesses to the accessors.
- Added ->frequency_distribution_ref() which deprecates
- Some refactoring of the lib/Statistics/ module
(without breaking the documented API).
2.9 May 13, 2009
- Fixed bug :
- standard_deviation failing due to a variance that got evaluated
to 0 due to rounding errors.
- Kwalitee : added a LICENSE section to the POD.
- Kwalitee (CPANTS) : added an examples/ directory with a script.
2.8 May 09, 2009
- Enabled "./Build runtest" and "./Build distruntest" (using Test::Run)
in the distribution.
- Fixed incomplete/broken tests in t/descr.t.
2.7 May 03, 2009
- Converted the distribution to Build.PL and re-organized it to
put everything under its proper place. Started maintaining it in:
- Converted t/descr.t to use "use strict;" and "use warnings;".
- Converted t/descr.t to use Test::More.
- Cleaned up the "use" statement of lib/Statistics/
- Added more explicit dependencies (core, though) to Build.PL.
- Fixed RT bug #34999: freq distribution generated too many bins.
- Added some keywords and resources to the META.yml, using Build.PL's
- Fixed
- more authoritative (and non-broken) link to the RFC.
- Applied the patch in
- {{#9160: Variance and Standard Deviation use costly pseudo-variance,
instead of computing real variance}}.
2.6 October 10, 2002
- Fixed caching in trimmed mean and modified code to allow trimming
0% from upper bound. Formerly if 0 was requested then it used the
lower bound!
- POD format patch from ddunlap
2.5 Wednesday, May 12 1999
- Forgot to document change in v2.4, which included fixing
percentile so that it worked right and added to the test
- Modified frequency_distribution so that specific bins could
be passed in. Fixed caching so that it actually works
(it only used to get stuck returning the result of the
first call).
- Turned off caching for least_squares_fit because there's no
way to generate a unique key for memorization.
2.3 Thursday Nov 12 1998
- Fix for frequency distribution.
Changed Makefile.PL to ease ActiveState distribution of the module.
Andrea's code for preventing division by zero and other
improvements. He also wrote a great test bench.
Added code from Warren Matthews to calculate percentile.
2.2 Monday Feb 23 1998
- Multiple bug fixes:
Fixed min/max bug with '0' vs defined.
Provided fix for bug with AUTOLOAD/DESTROY/Carp problem.
2.1 Tues Sep 02 1997
- Multiple bug fixes:
Cleaned up syntax error with my scoping.
Fixed errors in least_squares_fit and median methods
2.00 Wed Aug 20 13:22:51 1997
- new version; created by h2xs 1.16
- Complete rewrite of OO interface by Colin Kuskie.
- Now has 2 classes instead of 1.5, a base class without data
storage and a class that inherits the base methods and
extends them with data storage and more statistics.
1.1 April 1995
- Added LeastSquaresFit and FrequencyDistribution.
1.0 March 1995
- Released to comp.lang.perl and placed on archive sites.
0.20 December 1994
- Complete rewrite after extensive and invaluable e-mail
correspondence with Anno Siegel.
0.10 December 1994
- Initital concept, released to perl5-porters list.
- Jason Kastner <>