Revision history for Task-FreecellSolver-Testing

0.0.5   2014-05-18
        - Add MooX and MooX::late which are now required.
        - Add resources and keywords to the META.yml.
        - Convert to Test::Run::Builder .

0.0.4   2014-01-31
        - Add configure_requires to Build.PL.
        - Add a LICENSE file (CPANTS).
        - Minimal version of perl (CPANTS).
        - Add t/cpan-changes.t and t/style-trailing-space.t .

0.0.3   2012-09-27
        - Add Inline, Inline::C and
        Test::Run::CmdLine::Plugin::TrimDisplayedFilenames .

0.0.2   2011-06-30
        - Add Env::Path , List::MoreUtils, Test::More, Storable, Digest::SHA
        and some core modules.

0.0.1   2009-07-27
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
        Corresponds to Freecell Solver 2.34.0.