Revision history for Perl module Test::WWW::Mechanize::Mojo :

v0.0.11     Wed  1 Aug 20:55:21 IDT 2012
    - Got the POD coverage ( t/pod-coverage.t ) to pass again.

v0.0.10     Sun May 13 23:16:58 IDT 2012
    - Update the module for recent versions of Mojolicious where
    $t->max_redirects() was removed (after being deprecated).
        - Thanks to tempire on #mojo on for shedding some
        light on this issue.
    - This release coincides with the birthday of Sebastian Riedel
    ( ), the creator and maintainer
    of Mojolicious (and Catalyst previously). Happy birthday, Sebastian!

v0.0.9      Thu May 19 23:14:29 IDT 2011
    - Got rid of warnings by switching from $t->client to $t->ua.
        - Thanks to Mirko Westermeier

v0.0.8      Wed Jan 26 14:56:01 IST 2011
    - Convert the mentioning of CATALYST_SERVER to MOJO_SERVER.
        - thanks to Insurgent Software.

v0.0.7      Mon Jan 17 15:55:00 IST 2011
    - Fixed and the lib/Test/WWW/Mechanize/ code in recent
    Mojo versions.
        - app->start instead of shagadelic.
        - some tweaks to the ->$method->res.

v0.0.6      Fri Sep  3 20:43:26 IDT 2010
    - Fixed to avoid double encoding in recent Mojo versions.

v0.0.5      Mon Jun 14 21:54:45 IDT 2010
    - Removed the call to Test::Mojo->redirect() which is no longer
    implemented in recent Mojos.

v0.0.4      Wed Mar 17 16:01:20 IST 2010
    - Now evaluating the GET parameters in requests by using's
    ->path_query() instead of ->path().

v0.0.3      Thu Mar  4 00:35:10 IST 2010
    - Fix submit_form_ok on the contemporary Mojo::Client . (with a test).

v0.0.2      Tue Mar  2 23:27:43 IST 2010
    - Add a missing empty line before an "=end". Without it, the POD
    was not displayed properly by perldoc and by .
    - Add a t/pod-coverage.t test.

v0.0.1      Tue Mar  2 20:59:50 IST 2010
    - Ported to Mojo from Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst
    - Convert from Module::Install to Module::Build .
    - All rights disclaimed.

Revision history for Perl module Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst:

0.51 Mon Mar 16 10:00 GMT 2009
     - Doc updates from thejester
     - User agent fixes from ANDREMAR
     - Fix bug where redirect was followed on a 500 response
     - All remote requests (i.e. CATALYST_SERVER env var) now use our own
       mechanize object, rather than an unconfigurable one from Catalyst:Test

0.50 Tue Feb 17 09:12 GMT 2009
     - Remove warning in HTTP::Cookies
     - Call BUILDALL

0.50_2 Thur Feb 12 09:47 GMT 2009
     - Make t/multi_content_type.t handle case when server cant be started,
       which is almost always due to port in use.

0.50_1 Thur Feb 5 09:02 GMT 2009
     - App classname no longer has to be passed to import:
        $m = T::W::M::C->new(catalyst_app => 'Catty')
       now works.
     - Can now use TWMC two test two different apps in the same perl
       interpreter due to the above change
     - Removed Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst::Aux package as it isn't needed
       any more
     - Add 'host' accessor for white-label testing
     - Moosification
     - Can now test against remote CATALYST_SERVER without having to load the
       app class

0.45 Mon Nov 24 20:39:19 GMT 2008
     - be forwards-compatible with Catalyst 5.80's virtual 
       domain testing (thanks Jason Gottshall)

0.44 Mon Oct 27 13:48:22 GMT 2008
     - fix longstanding bug with recent LWP, requiring 
       WWW::Mechanize 1.50 (thanks to petdance, mst, dakkar)
     - add machine- and human-readable license, add abstract

0.43 Mon Aug 18 15:42:03 BST 2008
     - add missing prereqs to Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie
       and Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Dummy (thanks kd)

0.42 Tue Apr 29 20:25:06 BST 2008
     - stop multi_content_type.t killing smoke testing
       (patch by Andreas König)
     - fix a case where HTTP::Cookies dies when trying to 
       extract_cookies (patch by Andreas Marienborg)
     - add Test::Exception as a prerequisite

0.41 Mon Sep 17 20:28:59 BST 2007
     - fix to cope with gzipped content and the test from the 
       rt.cpan queue about multiple content types
       (patch by Ash Berlin)

0.40 Tue Aug 21 20:51:13 BST 2007
     - external requests (as per last release) are now only allowed
       if you set allow_external (sorry about that)

0.39 Sat Aug  4 08:01:38 BST 2007
     - external requests are now allowed (patch by Edmund von der Burg)
     - remove Build.PL

0.38 Sat Jun 30 14:07:24 BST 2007
     - document and test that you can use URLs without schema
       or hostname
     - add debug screen error to test diagnostics (patch by
       Jonathan Swartz)
     - add basic authentication support (patch by Gareth Kirwan)
     - add test for charset=utf-8 (patch by Chris Dolan)
     - added CATALYST_SERVER mention in the documentation
       (patch by Kieren Diment)

0.37 Tue Jun  6 08:54:07 BST 2006
     - patch to follow LWP's $m->requests_redirectable() and small
       docpatch (thanks to Daniel McBrearty)
     - mention Catalyst::Test (thanks to guest)

0.36 Mon Apr 17 11:27:17 BST 2006
     - perltidy
     - Catalyst debug screens are now failures (thanks to Kieren Diment)

0.35 Tue Jan 22 17:06:00 GMT 2006
     - handle redirects (patch by Mark Fowler)

0.33 Tue Jun  7 17:38:45 BST 2005
     - we need at least version 1.04 of Test::WWW::Mechanize 
       (spotted by Jesse Vincent, patch by Shlomi Fish)

0.32 Tue May  3 16:14:40 BST 2005
     - removed 'use Image::Size' in test, as spotted by SMPETERS

0.31 Sun Apr 17 10:30:18 BST 2005
     - update for Catalyst 5.00

0.30 Fri Mar 25 04:34:50 GMT 2005
     - add Test::WWW::Mechanize to prereqs
     - remove useless "use URI"
     - "borrow" lots of docs from Test::WWW::Mechanize
     - Catalyst 4.30 adds support for HTTP::Request objects in
       Catalyst::Test::request(), so use it (thanks to Christian Hansen)

0.29 Thu Mar 17 22:42:04 EST 2005
     - initial release