Revision history for Perl extension Text::Aligner.

0.14  2020-04-28
      - Port dist.ini to @SHLOMIF, thus avoiding author tests in t/*.t.

0.13  2016-04-17
      - Eliminate a warning "Negative repeat count does nothing" in recent
      perl5s in the test suite.
            - Thanks to KENTNL for the report and SREZIC for some guidance.

0.12  2014-10-19
      - Relicensed under the ISC license (with ANNO's permission).
      - Better documentation.

0.11  2014-10-10
      - More meaningful README.
            - Thanks to MITHALDU for the report.

0.10  2014-02-04
      - Now requiring Term::ANSIColor version 2.02.
            - First version with the colorstrip() function.
            - Fixes some CPAN Testers failures on older perls.
      - Remove some *~ files.

0.09  2014-02-01
      - Convert to Dist-Zilla / dist.ini for better CPANTS Kwalitee.
      - Various changes were involved.

0.08  2013-10-03
      Correct typos. Thanks to dsteinbrunner for the report.

0.07  2010-09-12
      One colorskip-dependent test moved into skip block as per rt. #61276

0.06  2010-08-28
      bug fix: auto alignment didn't recognize colorized numbers

0.05  2010-08-28
      added color support to aligner

0.04  2010-05-05
      Tests fail with perl 5.130
      (this righted itself, not released)

0.03  2004-05-04
      Corrected a slew of (spurious) warnings during tests
      See Bug #6208 Warnings in make test

0.02  2002-12-03

0.01  2002-11-11
    - original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.204
    - initial release to CPAN 03.12.02