Revision history for Text-Hspell

0.2.3       2020-04-29
    - Add tests under t/*.t for CPANTS.
    - CPANTS min perl version.
    - $VERSION consolidation.

0.2.2       2020-01-28
    - Rebuild for order of 'NAME' and 'VERSION' sections in the generated
    POD documentation (see:
        - VERSION used to appear before NAME.

0.2.1       2020-01-15
    - Documentation updates.

0.2.0       2020-01-14
    - Use Perl/XS instead of depending on Inline-Python and HspellPy.

0.0.2       2019-12-10
    - Try to fix tests
    - Add DESCRIPTION to the POD.

0.0.1       2019-12-10
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world