Revision history for XML-Grammar-Vered

v0.0.6  2013-05-14
    - Rename the example away from "bad-elements" to avoid confusion:

v0.0.5  2013-05-09
    - Get rid of Makefile.PL.
        - It doesn't handle three digit version ("vX.Y.Z")
        dependencies too well.
    - Add minimal dependency on v0.2.2 on XML-GrammarBase.
        - To fix test failures due to old and broken libxml2 versions.

v0.0.4  2013-02-20
    - Add MANIFEST.SKIP and got rid of packed-up temporary files (*~).

v0.0.3  2013-01-23
    - Add minimal dependency on v0.2.1 on XML-GrammarBase.

v0.0.2  2013-01-21
    - Add t/00-libxml-basic.t and t/00-libxslt-basic.t .

v0.0.1  2013-01-18
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world