Revision history for Redis

0.15 2015-03-10T14:10:54Z
    - use gmake for DragonflyBSD(thanks @nise-nabe)
    - support topic "0" in psubscribe
    - hiredis is v0.12.1 now
    - default connection unlimited time (-1)
    - use cnx_timeout for the connection instead of every

0.14 2014-12-07T13:34:06Z
    - Redis::Fast is now compatible with 1.976
    - fix a link in pod because hiredis has moved(thanks @Csson !)
    - fix the test of password
    - fix inconsistency with binary strings

0.13 2014-10-16T11:07:31Z
    - support password option
    - fix deep recursion when maxclients is reached and reconnect, name, on_connect parameters used #21
    - fix reconnect disabled inside transaction #22

0.12 2014-09-08T16:19:11Z
    - every option is in microseconds now
    - fix some tests
    - add missing dependencies (Try::Tiny, Test::SharedFork)
    - quit returns 1 if connection is available

0.11 2014-07-16T02:27:40Z
    - fix wrong read timeout
    - do not reconnect with read timeout

0.10 2014-07-16T00:55:29Z
    - no change
    - I release it by mistake

0.09 2014-07-08T15:46:39Z
    - fix double free
    - fix signal handling

0.08 2014-05-31T03:46:58Z
    - remove enconding/decoding feature
    - fix select database bug after reconnect

0.07 2014-05-17T07:19:34Z
    - Redis::Fast is now compatible with 1.974
    - fix reconnect during transaction
    - Sentinel features (connections, timeouts, etc) support

0.06 2014-01-31T16:44:53Z
    - Fix memory leak of callback functions
    - Fix issue #5 does not play way with signals

0.05 2013-12-20T02:22:09Z
    - Fix memory leak of lists
    - PING commands trigers reconnect

0.04 2013-12-10T02:56:46Z
    - Fix memory leak
    - Fix dependance

0.03 2013-10-16T12:14:58Z
    - wait_for_messages will block forever if parameters are not given

0.02 2013-10-13T13:27:37Z
    - Remove needless module
    - Use gmake for building library on BSD platform except KFreeBSD
    - Improve reconnection

0.01 2013-10-10T16:46:27Z
    - First version