Revision history for CGI-Application-Plugin-PageLookup
0.01 8-8-2009
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 17-8-2009
Changed paramId to valueId;
0.03 24-08-2009
Fixed docs and handled notfound case
1.0 08-09-2009
Rewrote from scratch building upon HTML::Template::Plugin::Dot
1.1 09-09-2009
Fixed dependency and documentation issues
1.2 10-09-2009
We depend on CGI:Application 4.31. Removed the need to declare smart objects.
1.3 11-09-2009
Fixed more dependencies checking with Devel::Hide and Test::Prereq. Added podspell.t. Checked formatting
1.4 13-09-2009
Darn more missing dependencies???? Added changes.t and mainfest.t
1.5 14-09-2009
Incorrect format in t/changes.t and t/manifest.t
1.6 05-10-2009
Added github repository to META.yaml. Added prereq.t. Converted to using Test::Database (for SQLite only sadly). Made testing of XML sitemap
more robust. Made notfound handling not force the URLs and pagelookup can now handle HASH based pageIds.
1.7 14-03-2010
Fixed test scripts not declaring plan first. Fixed issues with menu and added slice function and other tests.
Made sure all tests generate at least one test. Switched to Build.PL.