Change history for Math::Shape::Vector

0.11    2014/09/29
        -Fixed Oriented Rectangle - Line Segment collision
        -Added tests for all collision combinations.

0.1     2014/09/28
        -Added circle-rectangle collision detection
        -Added rectangle-vector, rectangle-line, rectangle-LineSegment collision detection
        -Added rectangle corner() method

0.09    2014/09/23
        -Added circle-vector, circle-line, circle-LineSegment collision detection
        -Made all object methods immutable

0.08    2014/09/21
        -Added Circle class
        -Added Rectangle class
        -Added OrientedRectangle class

0.07    2014/09/21
        -Removed test dependency on Math::Shape::Point

0.06    2014/09/20
        -Added LineSegment collides() and Line one_one_side methods

0.05    2014/09/13
        -Added rotate_90(), enclosed_angle(), collides()
        -Added Math::Shape::Utils
        -Added Math::Shape::Line
        -Added Math::Shape::LineSegment
        -Renamed get_length() and get_dot_product(), removing 'get_'

0.04    2014/09/02
        -Added get_dot_product(), project(), rotate(), convert_to_unit_vector()

0.03    2014/09/01
        -Added get_length()

0.02    2014/09/01
        -Updated POD

0.01    2014/09/01
        -Initial build