Revision history for WWW-betfair
0.08 30 June 2013
Added getBetHistory method.
0.07 28 June 2013
Re-uploaded to CPAN, no changes.
0.06 28 June 2013
Added new currency methods, updated getCurrentBets method. Added v5.10.1 requirement to Makefile.
0.05 27 June 2013
Corrected MANIFEST to include TypeCheck.t and betfair.t
0.04 27 June 2013
Corrected MANIFEST to include
0.03 24 June 2013
Added and basic parameter checking to API methods. Minor corrections to documentation.
0.02 18 June 2013
Fixed login method, added new test file, corrected documentation.
0.01 15 June 2013
Initial version with some API methods released.