Revision history for perl module WWW::betfair

1.02 2013-11-17
    - Updated POD.

1.01 2013-08-24
    - Updated getAllMarkets split to correctly parse the string data.

1.00 2013-07-28
    - Filled missing hyperlink labels to betfair documentation.
    - Filled missing anchor page H2 links to betfair simple data types.

0.14 2013-07-20
    - Added getMarketProfitAndLoss method.
    - Tested and updated non-free methods.
    - Updated documentation to remove beta label and re-ordered H1 paragraphs.
    - Fixed Changes file formatting to address RT ticket 87067.

0.13 2013-07-18
    - Added remaining non-free API methods.
0.12 2013-07-07
    - Added getInPlayMarkets, getMarketInfo, getMarketPrices, getMarketPricesCompressed and getMUBetsLite methods.
    - Refactored getEvents method.

0.10 2013-07-02
    - Added getBetLite, getBetMatchesLite, getCurrentBetsLite, and getAvailableMktDepth methods.

0.09 2013-07-01
    - Added getMarketTradedVolume, getMarketTradedVolumeCompressed and cancelBetsByMarket methods.
    - Refactored and renamed getCompleteMarketPrices to getCompleteMarketPricesCompressed to be in line with the betfair API method of the same name.

0.08 2013-06-30
    - Added getBetHistory method.

0.07 2013-06-28
    - Re-uploaded to CPAN, no changes.

0.06 2013-06-28
    - Added new currency methods, updated getCurrentBets method. Added v5.10.1 requirement to Makefile.

0.05 2013-06-27
    - Corrected MANIFEST to include TypeCheck.t and betfair.t

0.04 2013-06-27
    - Corrected MANIFEST to include

0.03 2013-06-24
    - Added and basic parameter checking to API methods.
    - Minor corrections to documentation.

0.02 2013-06-18
    - Fixed login method, added new test file, corrected documentation.

0.01 2013-06-15
    - Initial version with some API methods released.