Revision history for Perl extension Class::DBI::AsForm.

2.3   Mon Jul 19 12:22:50 BST 2004
    - Patch from Randall Lucas to fix textarea breakage
    - The tests work too

2.2   Sat Mar 20 17:36:02 GMT 2004
    - use the ::Type plugin instead of that mysql ugliness.

2.1   Thu Jan 29 14:51:31 GMT 2004
    - 2.0 was a rewrite to use HTML::Element
    - This release fixes cases where value => ""
    - And makes "selected" work OK
    - And deals with nulls in has-a relationships, since I managed to
      forget about that again.
    - Make the type detection stuff actually work. Hah.
    - Yes, I know there's something mysql specific in there.

1.1   Sat Jan 24 19:54:25 GMT 2004
    - Deal with nulls in has-a relationships.

0.01  Sat Sep 20 12:16:00 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AX -n Class::DBI::AsForm