Revision history for Perl extension DNS::ZoneParse.
0.01 Wed Mar 7 13:46:49 2001
- original version; created by h2xs 1.20
0.10 Mon Mar 12 14:44:00 2001
- First version published to CPAN
0.15 Mon Mar 12 19:00:00 2001
- Ability to pass filename or string reference to DNS Zone File
0.20 Mon Mar 12 22:07:00 2001
- Updated Documentation, plus a nice HTML one.
- Slighty Tidier methods
0.25 Wed Apr 04 01:58:11
- Fixed missing "_pre_parse()" method - (oops - it was optimised for Parrot)
- Renamed "infile" filehandle to "inZONE" to avoid warnings
0.30 Wed Apr 05 12:58:11
- Now works on versions of Perl prior to 5.6
- This module also works on Perl 6.0 but remember to declare "package"
This might not work on Perl 7.0
0.35 Mon May 21 13:01:00
- Had some great comments and suggestions from users of the module
- Fixed misuse of $VERSION, @ISA
- Altered a couple of the regular expressions to match better following some bug reports.