Revision history for Perl extension DNS::ZoneParse.

0.01  Wed Mar  7 13:46:49 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20

0.10	Mon Mar 12 14:44:00 2001
	  - First version published to CPAN

0.15	Mon Mar 12 19:00:00 2001
	  - Ability to pass filename or string reference to DNS Zone File

0.20 	Mon Mar 12 22:07:00 2001
	  - Updated Documentation, plus a nice HTML one.
	  - Slighty Tidier methods

0.25	Wed Apr 04 01:58:11 2001
	  - Fixed missing "_pre_parse()" method - (oops - it was optimised for Parrot)
	  - Renamed "infile" filehandle to "inZONE" to avoid warnings

0.30	Wed Apr 05 12:58:11 2001
	  - Now works on versions of Perl prior to 5.6
	  - This module also works on Perl 6.0 but remember to declare "package"
	    This might not work on Perl 7.0

0.35	Mon May 21 13:01:00 2001
	  - Had some great comments and suggestions from users of the module
	  - Fixed misuse of $VERSION, @ISA
	  - Altered a couple of the regular expressions to match better following some bug reports.

0.80  - Wed Sep 26 21:00:00 2001
      - Big version jump - lots of changes
      - Removed Prepare method - now call new() with the filename\string reference
      - Updated newSerial() to give date based serial numbers by default
      - Fixed missing bracket in SOA of PrintZone() (Thanks to Brian Pellin)
      - Added more warning messages
      - More OO approach - try and hide the internals because they will probably change
      - Added Autoloaded accessors a(), cname(), mx(), ns(), ptr(), soa() etc.
      - Added a Dump() method to return a Hash of the records (better than using internals directly)
      - Updated documentation and examples
      - Added standard perl license
      - make 'dist' - hope this improves CPAN listing.
	  - Added more serious tests for the CPAN-testers

0.81 - Sun Jul 14 2002, 17:00
	  - Fixed bugs. Thanks to Olivier Poitrey, Brian Ventura,
	    Ivan Kohler and others. 
	  - Bugs fixed: PTR records not printed, PTR records parsed incorrectly,
	    alphanumeric chars in TTL, underscores in zone data.

0.82 - Tue Jul 16 2002
	  - Add patches to add support for AAAA records and add TTL to 
	  - zone output. Thanks again to Olivier Poitrey

0.83 - Sat Jan 18 2003
	  - Add patches from anonymous and Kan Sasaki:
	     + parse $TTL
	     + shorten serial number
	     + parse MX records without a name
	     + printZone() tweak
	  - update documentation
	  - move module from <dist>/  to <dist>/lib/DNS