Revision history for Perl extension Wx::Perl::Throbber.
$Id: Changes,v 1.3 2004/04/27 22:23:16 simonflack Exp $

v0.01  2004-03-16
    - Initial revision
    - Perl port of Python library wx.throbber by Cliff Wells

v1.02  2004-03-17
    - add throbber demo
    - Extend API - original python API doesn't let you change certain
      aspects of the throbber, such as the text label, bitmap or framedelay
    - move code out of constructor into various new Set* methods
    - Add Set/Get methods for FrameDelay, AutoReverse, Overlay, Label
    - Add &GetCurrentFrame, &GetFrameCount, &SetBitmap, and &IsRunning
    - Replace Toggle* methods with Show* methods

v1.04  2004-04-27
    - Correct POD in line with some of the API changes
    - Animation cycle incorrectly included the 'rest frame'