0.6 -Tue Sep 20 12:40:43 BST 2005
    * Make setting of recurrence work
    * Add reference to original untainted object
    * Expose split_up method 
    * Escape and Unescape summary and description

0.5 - Wed Sep  7 17:58:07 BST 2005
    * Tests (and setting) for all_day 
    * Fix all day events
    * Fix recurrence-id for exploded events

0.4 - Sat Sep  3 10:10:06 BST 2005
    * Add recurrence-id support for event updates
    * Add all_day and uid methods
    * Make sure that recurring events get exploded

0.3 - Wed Aug 17 11:52:24 BST 2005
    * match Data::ICal 0.03 API change

0.2 - Mon Aug 15 10:36:01 BST 2005
    * More support for timezones
    * Note some todos
    * Fix a bug with premature truncation of RRULEs
    * Added EXRULE, EXDATE and RDATE support - we 
      can now parse London.pm's insane meeting shcedule. YAY!

0.1 - Tue Aug  9 09:44:22 BST 2005
    * initial release