Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Amazon::Wishlist.

0.8   Mon Aug 36 10:25:33 2002
	- Amazon changed the layout of their .com pages 
	  so this heroic patch from the mysteriously 
	  named Artimage fixes it. Actually he fixed it ages 
          ago it's just I was too slck to apply it and figure out
          some stuff.

0.7   Wed Feb 27 13:10:56 2002
	- there was some curft creeping in if it was a DVD.
	  All fixed now :)

0.66  Tue Dec 18 17:28:54 2001
	- fixed mistake in amazonwish documentation about where
	  your settings are saved.
0.65  Sun Dec 09 11:10:33 2001
	- fixed a bug with single page wishlists plus some
	  cleanups from uber data munger Dave Cross.

	- also fixed bug with expensive items (over a grand)

	- added COM and UK exportable constants	  

0.61  Fri Dec 07 15:59:20 2001
        - fixed an unescaped '@' in the here doc of amazonwish 
          thanks again to Rhet Turnball. He's great :) 

0.6   Fri Dec 07 11:55:43 2001
        - added some fixes from Rhet Turnball for not getting pages
          properly and adding some items twice. Yay Open Source!

        - also added 'amazonwish' a script to go and grab your 
          wishlist for you and spew out the total.

0.01  Tue Nov 13 11:31:09 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19