- 0.12 ... Provide access to ParseRegExp.pm. (Untested, because ParseRegExp.pm
           is broken - see http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=6327 for
           patches to ParseRegExp.pm)

           Can now write a .pm file for you as well

- 0.11 ... Can now provide the optional "4th" (config options) argument
           without *also* having to provide a "3rd" (build directory) argument.
           ie If the third argument is a hash reference, it's assumed to contain
           config options - otherwise it sets the build directory.

           Check that only valid config options have been passed via the "config
           options" argument.
           Catch the error (and die) if a non-existent typemap is specified
           in the TYPEMAPS config option.

           If the specified build_dir does not exist, die(). Previously, a warning
           was issued and the files written to the current working directory.

- 0.10 ... Add coverage for the PREFIX and BOOT options.
           Add coverage for CCFLAGS, LDDLFLAGS, MYEXTLIB and OPTIMIZE (and 
           test that they get passed to the generated Makefile.PL) Also check
           that the CC, LD and MAKE parameters are passed on to the 
           generated Makefile.PL. Not sure how to utilise FILTERS.
           (I won't do anything with it unless requested.) 

- 0.09 ... Rewrite the t_makefile_pl test script. (It's now not a very
           conclusive test ... still needs further work ... though I think
           the WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL functionality is operating correctly.)
           Add coverage (currently untested) for the CC, LD, and MAKE options. 
           TODO: Add coverage for BOOT, CCFLAGS, FILTERS, LDDLFLAGS,
           MYEXTLIB, OPTIMIZE and PREFIX options.

- 0.08 ... Rename the module into the InlineX namespace (previously named
           Add coverage for VERSION, LIBS, BUILD_NOISY and
           WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL options.

- 0.07 ... Add coverage for AUTOWRAP, TYPEMAPS, INC and AUTO_INCLUDE.
           The cpp2xs() function is no longer supported by this module.
           Use Inline::CPP2XS instead.

- 0.06 ... Add a demos/cpp folder with a CPP demo.

- 0.05 ... Add Inline::CPP to XS support with the cpp2xs() function.

- 0.04 ... Now hooks into the Inline::C routines that parse the code and write
           the XS file.
           The c2xs() sub now takes an optional 3rd argument (the directory
           into which the XS file gets written).

- 0.03 ... more bugfixes

- 0.02 ... bugfixes

- 0.01 ... born