- 0.16 ... Add config option 'USE'
Substitution regex added to t_makefile_pl.t - to cater for recent ActivePerls
Cater for the possibility that we're including iostream (not iostream.h) in
the test scripts
- 0.15 ... Add config options EXPORT_ALL, EXPORT_OK_ALL and EXPORT_TAGS_ALL
Add newline at the bottom of src/test.alt (as per requirements of a valid
C/CPP source file).
'USING' (which is useless with Inline::CPP and InlineX::CPP2XS anyway)
now takes either a string or array reference as its value (as does
the Inline::C equivalent).
'LIBS' and 'TYPEMAPS' can now optionally be assigned as a (space
delimited) string or an array reference (same as 'INC'). Previously
'LIBS' and 'TYPEMAPS' had to be assigned as an array reference.
'INC' (in generated Makefile.PL) no longer automatically includes the cwd.
'TYPEMAPS' (in generated Makefile.PL) no longer automatically specifies
the standard perl typemap. (Doing so was annoying and, afaict, unnecessary.)
Add Inline-0.45 to PREREQ_PM.
- 0.13 ... Change the test for the locatability of a specified typemap from a
'-e' test to a '-f' test.
Add CPP2XS-Cookbook.pod.
Minor change to WRITE_PM.
The CPP source code can now be alternatively provided by either a
- 0.12 ... Provide access to ParseRegExp.pm. (Untested, because ParseRegExp.pm
is broken - see http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=6327 for
patches to ParseRegExp.pm)
Can now write a .pm file for you as well
- 0.11 ... Can now provide the optional "4th" (config options) argument
without *also* having to provide a "3rd" (build directory) argument.
ie If the third argument is a hash reference, it's assumed to contain
config options - otherwise it sets the build directory.
Check that only valid config options have been passed via the "config
options" argument.
Catch the error (and die) if a non-existent typemap is specified
in the TYPEMAPS config option.
If the specified build_dir does not exist, die(). Previously, a warning was
issued and the files written to the current working directory.
- 0.10 ... Module is now called InlineX::CPP2XS (previously Inline::CPP2XS, which is now
Now has the same capabilities as its C counterpart (InlineX::C2XS-0.10) -
ie can also (optionally) autogenerate the Makefile.PL in addition to the other
files it has always been capable of generating (namely the .xs file, INLINE.h
and CPP.map).
- 0.07 ... Inline::CPP2XS born (previously part of Inline::C2XS)