Revision history for Perl module Math::Decimal128
- Add $Math::Decimal128::NNW (set to 0). If this variable is set to 1,
then non-numeric warnings will be given whenever a string containing
any non-numeric characters is given to Math::Decimal128::_atodecimal().
- Remove looks_like_number() from _atodecimal.
- Rename nnumflagl, set_nnuml, clear_nnuml to nnumflag, set_nnum and
clear_nnum and no longer export them.
- Workarounds in _atodecimal() and assignPVl.t to cater for broken
compiler/libc handling of signed zero _Decimal128 values.
- Add PV overloading.
- Add assignD128().
- Rewrite assignPVl in XS. (Now uses _atodecimal XSub.)
- Rewrite PVtoD128. (Now uses _atodecimal XSub.)
- Fix bug in overload_sub by adding overload_neg.
- No longer allow new() to assign an NV. (NVtoD128 must now be used instead.)
- Add assignIVl(), assignUVl() and assignNVl().
- Add D128toFSTR() and D128toRSTR()
- Add DPDtoD128() and d128_bytes()
- First release