 - Requires mpfr-2.0.3
 - Add 'Rmpfr_out_str()'
 - Add 'Rmpfr_get_default_rounding_mode()'
 - Rename 'Rmpfr_set_str_raw()' to 'Rmpfr_set_str_binary()'
   in keeping with changes to the MPFR library.
 - Alter 'Rmpfr_check_range()' in keeping with change to 
   'mpfr_check_range()' in the MPFR library.
 - Introduce operator overloading.

 - Add 'Rmpfr_gamma()', 'Rmpfr_zeta()', and 'Rmpfr_erf()'.
 - Add overloading for 'atan2', 'cos', 'sin', 'log', 'exp', and 'int'.

 - Replace 'Rmpfr_round_prec' with 'Rmpfr_prec_round' in keeping 
   with changes to the MPFR library.
 - Remove 'Rmpfr_random' (deprecated).
 - Add 'Rmpfr_cbrt', 'Rmpfr_cmpabs', ', 'Rmpfr_greater_p',
   'Rmpfr_greaterequal_p', 'Rmpfr_less_p', 'Rmpfr_lessequal_p',
   'Rmpfr_lessgreater_p', 'Rmpfr_equal_p', 'Rmpfr_unordered_p',
   'Rmpfr_inp_str', 'Rmpfr_frac', 'Rmpfr_integer_p',
   'Rmpfr_nexttoward', 'Rmpfr_nextabove', 'Rmpfr_next_below',
   'Rmpfr_min', 'Rmpfr_max', 'Rmpfr_get_exp', 'Rmpfr_set_exp'
   'Rgmp_randinit_default', 'Rgmp_randinit_lc_2exp',
   'Rgmp_randinit_lc_2exp_size', 'Rgmp_randseed', 'Rgmp_randseed_ui',
 - Change module name from 'Math::GnuMPfr' to 'Math::MPFR'.

 - Eradicate segfault that was occurring when 'overload_add',
   'overload_sub', 'overload_mul', 'overload_div' and 'overload_pow'
   croaked due to invalid argument(s).

 - Make overloading work with strings.
 - Add 'Rmpfr_dump'.
 - Add 'Math::MPFR::gmp_v' (not exportable).

 - Replace 'SvROK()' with 'sv_isobject()' in the overload functions.
 - Make 'get_refcnt()' and 'get_package_name()' non-exportable.

 - Built against MPFR-2.1.0.
 - Added the following functions, not available with versions earlier
   than 2.1.0 :
   Rmpfr_set_ui_2exp Rmpfr_set_si_2exp Rmpfr_get_z Rmpfr_si_sub 
   Rmpfr_sub_si Rmpfr_mul_si Rmpfr_si_div Rmpfr_div_si Rmpfr_sqr
   Rmpfr_cmp_z Rmpfr_cmp_q Rmpfr_cmp_f Rmpfr_zero_p Rmpfr_free_cache
   Rmpfr_get_version Rmpfr_get_emin_min Rmpfr_get_emin_max 
   Rmpfr_get_emax_min Rmpfr_get_emax_max Rmpfr_clear_erangeflag
   Rmpfr_erangeflag_p Rmpfr_rint_round Rmpfr_rint_trunc
   Rmpfr_rint_ceil Rmpfr_rint_floor

 - Add some checks to Makefile.PL to ensure that anyone trying to
   build this module has an up-to-date MPFR library. This is mainly
   an attempt to stop cpan testers who don't have an up-to-date MPFR
   from testing the module and subsequently reporting "FAIL" or "NA".